Test Feature: Simulation Object Coordinate I/O via ESRI Shapefiles
Phil Weinstein -- CADSWES -- RiverWare 5.3 -- 2-7-2010 -- New Screenshots.

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Object icon positions or coordinates are 
written to or read from an ESRI Shapefile made 
up of the three major Shapefile components: 
.shp / .shx vertex and index files: 2D points. 
.dbf attribute file with two string fields: 
   - "RwObjName" - Simulation Object Name. 
   - "RwObjType" - Simulation Object Type. 

File selection is flexible: any of these file 
components can be selected.  For importing, 
a .zip file containing all three components can 
be used. Only object names are used to match 
imported coordinates with simulation objects 
in the workspace -- object type strings are 
ignored. The user has the opportunity to 
review imported coordinate values before 
applying them to the workspace.