Significant RiverWare 5.2 Development / Phil (Mostly GUI)
Edit: 12-28-2009 (a) -- HIT REFRESH
Note: RiverWare 5.2 Development started after 5-21-2009.
A new design for user-edited textual annotations ("notes") on Series Slot timesteps was developed. Notes are still organized within Note Groups, but notes are now individually, directly applied to individual Series Slot Timesteps rather than via association of Note Groups with whole Series Slots. Additionally, multiple notes can be associated with an individual timestep on an individual Series Slot.
The context (right click) menu in Open Series Slot Dialogs and in SCTs supports copy and paste note operations. The "Copy Note" operation is enabled if a single cell is selected which has a defined note. The "Paste Note: <text>" operation is available if a note has been copied to the "note clipboard", and can be applied to a multiple-cell selection.
Open RPL Series Slot Dialog Re-Implementation with the standard Open Slot dialog
The Open Slot dialog for RPL Series Slots (sometimes called, "Series Slots with RPL Expression") was reimplemented using the classes which implement the Open Slot dialog for Series Slots. These classes were enhanced to support optional display of a RPL Expression panel. RPL Series Slot series values are not editable by the user. The following general series data viewing features are now also available for RPL Series Slots.
Regular Interval Periodic Slots now show timestep labels using the same convention
as SeriesSlots.
Optional Flag character and (Rpl-) Priority number display mode. Prior to this enhancement, Series Slot flag states were indicated in the SCT only by background cell colors. Now, the user has the option of instead or displaying series timestep cells using the display provisions used in the Open Series Slot dialog, with a flag letter and optional Rpl priority number.
An "Import Paste" feature was added to the SCT -- similar to the "Import Paste" feature already implemented for the Open Slot Dialogs. The user can import tabular data (e.g. from Microsoft Excel) into SCT cells. The tabular data in the system clipboard is previewed in the "Import from Clipboard" dialog before the paste operation is performed, and there is an option to limit the effect to the selected SCT cells. Also, context menu operations for "Export Copy ..." and "Import Paste ..." were added.
In the SCT, the "Export Copy" function now has an option to include Column Header text rows in the output to the system clipboard (e.g. for pasting into Microsoft Excel).
If "[X] Include Column Headers" is checked, one or two additional text rows are prepended to the text written to the system clipboard. The content of the header rows depends on: (a) The currently displayed SCT axis orientation, and (b) SCT configuration settings which effect the content of SCT data table column headers.
In Vertical Timestep Axis mode, the column headers rows include:
In Horizontal Timestep Axis mode, the column headers rows include:
The slot list on the SCT's "Other Slots" tab (which lists Table Slots larger than a single cell and List Slots) now has a "Column Labels" column which shows a list of the Table Slot's column labels. For example, a Reservoir's "Max Release" Table Slot shows these Column Labels: "Elev; Discharge".
In the vertical timestep axis orientation, the "Notes" column in the row header can now be hidden with a "[X] Show Column: Notes" toggle in the "Vert Time" tab of the SCT Configuration dialog box. This setting is saved in the SCT Configuration file.
Two-column Table Slots had always been plotted with the column-0 values along the horizontal axis and column-1 values along the vertical axis. A configuration option was developed to conditionally reverse this axis assignment in order to place the entity representing a vertical distance (e.g. "elevation" or "head") on the vertical axis (e.g. for a reservoir's Elevation Volume Table).
NOTE: Edie, I believe you substantially rewrote the document for a deliverable. I don't have a copy of your revisions. My work is in this directory: /projects/riverware/doc/RPL/RplSetManagement/
This new RiverWare Output Device generates a plain text or HTML document showing -- in a table or multiple tables -- series values for a set of RiverWare series slots. The data for each series slot is displayed in one column of the tables.
The configurable properties of the generated report document include:
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