RiverWare 2010 UGM Prep -- New GUI Features / RiverWare 5.2, plus major 5.1 Features.

Edit: 1-5-2010 (b) (Phil).
Reference Dates:

Sections Below:

(I) Major new RiverWare 5.1 GUI-related Features (See RiverWare 5.1 Release Notes)

  1. Simulation Workspace: new "Hand Drag" and Locator modes
  2. Simulation Workspace: support for background image
  3. Close All Dialogs (new function)
  4. Find Series Slots with Inputs (new dialog)
  5. RPL Link to External Documentation (new function)
  6. Plot Page Selection List and other plotter enhancements.
  7. SCT Run Status Panel
  8. Open Series Slot Dialog: optionally shows rule priority integers in series data.
  9. Model Run Analysis Dialog: all "Galaxy" functionality recovered in Qt port.

(II) Major new RiverWare 5.2 GUI-related Features (See RiverWare 5.2 Release Notes and Phil's 5.2 Development List).

  1. RPL Debbuger
  2. RPL Policy Menu reorganization
  3. Font and Text Size configuration (preliminary implementation: not persistent).
  4. DMI user interface enhancements, e.g. DMI Status Bar
  5. Table Plotting: optional conditional axis reversal to force distance dimension (e.g. elevation) to be on vertical axis.
  6. Expression Slot dialog reimplementation: new functions.
  7. Periodic Slots: row header change for regular intervals -- more coherent with series slot data/times.
  8. Notes on Series Slots re-implementation.
  9. SCT Enhancements:
  10. New Output Device: Tabular Series Slot Report

(III) Minor new RiverWare 5.2 GUI-related Features

  1. Workspace: Account, link and supply names shown in the status bar.
  2. List Slot Dialog enhancements, including:
  3. Selector:

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