Table Slot and GUI
Design for ...
RiverWare 5.3 Reservoir Enhancement: Time Varying Elevation Volume
and Elevation Area Methods
Phil Weinstein -- 3-17-2010
See also Preliminary Notes (March 2010)
This property causes the first column of the table to be treated specially in several ways.
It is sufficient for this property to be "static" -- set only in C++ code on the relevant engineering objects -- not dynamically settable by the user. The property does not need to be supported on Data Object Table Slots. As such, it doesn't have to be included in the SimObj serialization. Note that we do not currently support a "Numeric Dimension" Column Map on Data Object Table Slots.
Note: If the name "Header Column" is not desirable (e.g. because this leads to referring to the "Header Column Header" -- possibly in the GUI -- maybe a little goofy?) -- we could consider these other names (some of which also have "overloading" problems):
This will require special GUI support for editing Column Map values -- accessible from "Set Column Value" in an Open Table Slot dialog for a Table Slot having a column map. (See the image on this page: the "Single Value Editor" support dialog on the right for normal numeric values). If a new dialog is devised to support editing the Date/Times for ALL of the relevant columns (i.e. excluding the "Header Column"), controls for auxiliary display properties (such as the following item) could be shown in that dialog.
Unfortunately, the display-configuration encoding for these values (which makes special use of the DATETIME unit-type's user units) doesn't include an option to show only the Date (and not also the Time) of an absolute time. Note that, in this application, the Date/Time values will be required to be on timestep boundaries, but that is likely too precise in this case. Note that Date/Time values support "partial" dates, e.g. "March" of no particular year -- that's not useful for this requirement. So ...
The current need is only to limit the Date/Time value to a Date, but we might want to do something a bit more general. This property needs to be serialized (with RiverWare model files or Object export files) ONLY IF we provide a GUI control to modify it, as mentioned in the previous item.
See this mockup. This is achievable now by manually adding the subsequent Table Slot columns as additional Table Slot "curves" to the Plot -- all having Column 0 for the "x" axis. This could be done automatically when a Table Slot having a "Header Column" is plotted.
Note that a NumericDimension "Column Map" is already supported on TableSlots, and since Date/Time values can be compared numerically, it will not be difficult to create the required function based on a Date_Time instance. See the "Variable Lag Coefficients" Table Slot on Reaches.