Porting QtDmi Qt3 UI files to Qt4 SEE: http://cadswes2.colorado.edu/~philw/2010/Qt4Port/QtDmi/ (1) DmiEditorDlgBase.ui --> DmiEditorWidgets.ui (2) DmiHandlerDlgBase.ui --> DmiHandlerWidgets.ui (3) DmiMgrDlgBase.ui --> DmiMgrWidgets.ui (4) RadioBtnDlgBase.ui --> RadioBtnWidgets.ui Makefile changes: QtDmi/Make.package QtDmi/QtDmiGenerated.pro QtDmi/QtDmiGenerated.vcproj Source file changes for this port: QtDmi/DmiEditorDlg.cpp QtDmi/DmiEditorDlg.hpp QtDmi/DmiHandlerDlg.cpp QtDmi/DmiHandlerDlg.hpp QtDmi/DmiMgrDlg.cpp QtDmi/DmiMgrDlg.hpp QtDmi/RadioBtnDlg.cpp QtDmi/RadioBtnDlg.hpp See also new icons added to QtUtils/RwQPixmap16 ... http://cadswes2.colorado.edu/~philw/2010/Qt4Port/QtDmi/NewIcons/ ================== Short Description: Added icons for the Qt3 UI file port of QtDmi/DmiMgrDlg Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 5.3 ----------------------- QtUtils/RwQPixmap16.hpp QtUtils/RwQPixmap16.cpp ----------------------- Added icons for the Qt3 UI file port of QtDmi/DmiMgrDlg: static const QPixmap& greenPlusGroup() static const QPixmap& redMinusGroup() static const QPixmap& questionGroup() SEE: http://cadswes2.colorado.edu/~philw/2010/Qt4Port/QtDmi/NewIcons/ ================== Short Description: Crash Fix, DMI Parameter Dialog Bug Number: 4898: Crash after dismissing DMI Parameter Dlg from Title Bar Release notes (y/n): Yes, 5.2.5 For Release Nums: 5.2.5 and 5.3 Development. --------------------- QtDmi/DmiParamDlg.hpp QtDmi/DmiParamDlg.cpp --------------------- Gnats 4898: Crash after dismissing DMI Parameter Dialog from Window Title Bar PRUDENT CHANGES: (1) Remove "bool" parameter from the close() method to allow it to become (again) a "virtual" override from QWidget::close() (i.e. since port from Qt3 to Qt4). And in that method, call close() on the immediate super class instead of QWidget::close(). (2) In constructor: setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); DEFINITIVE FIX: (3) Redundantly make the following call in the DmiParamDlg destructor: emit dialogClosed (this); .. i.e. in addition to from close(). This is apparently necessary when the dialog is closed from the window manager / title bar operation. I did confirm that a potentially redundant 'dialogClosed' signal is not a problem here. ---