/**************************************************************************** ** Form implementation generated from reading ui file '/home/staff/philw/public_html/2010/Qt4Port/Q3GUI-SlotSupport/ListIcons/iconsFormQt3.ui' ** ** Created: Fri Apr 23 17:35:50 2010 ** by: The User Interface Compiler ($Id: qt/main.cpp 3.3.1 edited Nov 24 13:47 $) ** ** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ****************************************************************************/ #include "/home/staff/philw/public_html/2010/Qt4Port/Q3GUI-SlotSupport/ListIcons/iconsForm.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char* const image0_data[] = { "16 16 3 1", "a c #00ff00", "# c #999999", ". c #ffff00", "................", "................", ".##############.", "................", "................", ".##############.", "................", "................", ".##############.", "................", "................", ".##############.", "................", "................", ".aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.", "................"}; static const char* const image1_data[] = { "16 16 4 1", "b c #840000", "# c #999999", "a c #ff0000", ". c #ffff00", "................", "................", ".##############.", "..aa......aaa...", "..baa....aaab...", ".##baa##aaab###.", "....baaaaab.....", ".....baaab......", ".####aaaa######.", ".....aaaaa......", ".....ab.baa.....", ".###ab###baa###.", "...ab.....baa...", "...ab......ba...", ".##b########a##.", "................"}; static const char* const image2_data[] = { "16 16 5 1", "c c #000000", "b c #840000", "# c #999999", "a c #ff0000", ". c #ffff00", "................", ".##############.", "..aa......aaa...", "..baa....aaab...", ".##baa##aaab###.", "....baaaaab.....", ".....baaab......", ".cccccaaacccccc.", ".ccccaaaaaccccc.", ".....ab.baa.....", "....ab...baa....", ".##ab#####baa##.", "...ab......ba...", "...b........a...", ".##############.", "................"}; static const char* const image3_data[] = { "16 16 7 1", "e c #000000", ". c #00ff00", "a c #840000", "b c #848200", "# c #999999", "c c #ff0000", "d c #ffff00", "................", ".##############.", "................", "..............aa", ".############bca", "............bdb.", "...........bdb..", ".eeeeeeeeebdbee.", ".eeeeeeeebdbeee.", "........bdb.....", "........bb......", ".##############.", "................", "................", ".##############.", "................"}; static const char* const image4_data[] = { "16 16 4 1", "b c #000000", "a c #00ff00", "# c #999999", ". c #ffff00", "................", ".##############.", "................", "................", ".##############.", "................", "................", ".aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.", "................", "................", ".bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.", ".bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.", "................", "................", ".##############.", "................"}; static const char* const image5_data[] = { "16 16 38 1", "u c #000000", "G c #0635f1", "J c #183efa", "p c #1b55df", "I c #1c59f4", "j c #2d59f7", "y c #326bf5", "t c #3353c3", "E c #3666e5", "w c #4275ff", "s c #4a7cff", "D c #4c5fbd", "x c #5266c6", "C c #527def", "o c #6396ff", "l c #6793e9", "F c #6aa2fd", "q c #6b86c0", "H c #6b9eff", "z c #77aafe", "f c #7ca3f4", "d c #7f9db9", "c c #84aaef", "r c #86b8ff", "v c #8e9bcd", "n c #96caff", "e c #999999", "# c #9ca2b5", "i c #9ed1ff", "A c #a6cbfa", "a c #a7bced", "k c #a8b3d1", "b c #b7c4ed", "m c #b9e9ff", "B c #bdd5fb", "h c #e4fdff", "g c #fcfcfc", ". c #ffff00", ".....#abbcd.....", ".eeeefghhij#eee.", "....klminop.....", ".....qnirstk....", ".uuuuvrnrwxuuuu.", ".uuuudrnryquuuu.", ".....kfnzj#.....", ".....kcizj#.....", ".keeedAirsqkeek.", ".qABarrrrrzffCD.", ".qEFrrrrzrzzyGx.", ".eqjHrrrzzzwGD#.", "...qjHzzzzsGtk..", "....qIozowGt#...", ".eeeeqIssGtkeee.", "......qpJx#....."}; static const char* const image6_data[] = { "16 16 33 1", "z c #000000", "v c #0635f1", "y c #183efa", "m c #2d59f7", "o c #326bf5", "B c #3353c3", "x c #426def", "g c #4275ff", "D c #4a7cff", "w c #5266c6", "E c #5785f7", "u c #5f8cf7", "t c #6396ff", "s c #639aff", "C c #658ff7", "h c #6776bd", "q c #6a89d8", "A c #6b99f3", "l c #6b9eff", "# c #7386bd", "k c #77aafe", "b c #7ca3f4", "j c #86b8ff", "i c #96caff", "c c #999999", "f c #9ed1ff", "a c #b7c4ed", "r c #b9e9ff", "p c #d9e5fc", "e c #e4fdff", "d c #e5ecfb", ". c #ffff00", "n c #ffffff", "......#ab#......", ".cccc#defghcccc.", "....#deijkgh....", "...#deikkklmh...", ".c#nejkkllllohc.", ".#peikkllllllmh.", ".qrikkllllstuov.", ".#c#c#gllowcb##.", "......xksy#.....", "......uktm#.....", ".zzzz#Aklmhzzzz.", ".zzzz#kktoBzzzz.", ".....#jktgv.....", ".....qktCDv.....", ".ccccwEoooy#ccc.", ".....#vvvvw....."}; /* * Constructs a Form1 as a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. * * The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to * TRUE to construct a modal dialog. */ Form1::Form1( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ), image0( (const char **) image0_data ), image1( (const char **) image1_data ), image2( (const char **) image2_data ), image3( (const char **) image3_data ), image4( (const char **) image4_data ), image5( (const char **) image5_data ), image6( (const char **) image6_data ) { if ( !name ) setName( "Form1" ); Form1Layout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 11, 6, "Form1Layout"); _appendRow = new QPushButton( this, "_appendRow" ); _appendRow->setPixmap( image0 ); Form1Layout->addWidget( _appendRow ); _deleteAllRows = new QPushButton( this, "_deleteAllRows" ); _deleteAllRows->setPixmap( image1 ); Form1Layout->addWidget( _deleteAllRows ); _deleteRow = new QPushButton( this, "_deleteRow" ); _deleteRow->setPixmap( image2 ); Form1Layout->addWidget( _deleteRow ); _editRow = new QPushButton( this, "_editRow" ); _editRow->setPixmap( image3 ); Form1Layout->addWidget( _editRow ); _insertRowBefore = new QPushButton( this, "_insertRowBefore" ); _insertRowBefore->setPixmap( image4 ); Form1Layout->addWidget( _insertRowBefore ); _moveRowDown = new QPushButton( this, "_moveRowDown" ); _moveRowDown->setPixmap( image5 ); Form1Layout->addWidget( _moveRowDown ); _moveRowUp = new QPushButton( this, "_moveRowUp" ); _moveRowUp->setPixmap( image6 ); Form1Layout->addWidget( _moveRowUp ); languageChange(); resize( QSize(120, 276).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) ); clearWState( WState_Polished ); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ Form1::~Form1() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } /* * Sets the strings of the subwidgets using the current * language. */ void Form1::languageChange() { setCaption( tr( "Form1" ) ); _appendRow->setText( QString::null ); _deleteAllRows->setText( QString::null ); _deleteRow->setText( QString::null ); _editRow->setText( QString::null ); _insertRowBefore->setText( QString::null ); _moveRowDown->setText( QString::null ); _moveRowUp->setText( QString::null ); }