Short Description: Qt4 Port: QtAccounting, Qt3 UI files for Five dialogs Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 5.3 Porting Five QtAccounting Qt3 UI files to Qt4 The UI files have NOT YET been round-tripped through Designer. That's next. SEE: QtAccounting/QtAcctMgrDlg.cpp --> AccountMgrDlg.cpp QtAccounting/QtAcctMgrDlg.hpp --> AccountMgrDlg.hpp QtAccounting/QtAcctMgrDlgBase.ui --> AccountMgrWidgets.ui QtAccounting/QtSplyMgrDlg.cpp --> SupplyMgrDlg.cpp QtAccounting/QtSplyMgrDlg.hpp --> SupplyMgrDlg.hpp QtAccounting/QtSplyMgrDlgBase.ui --> SupplyMgrWidgets.ui QtAccounting/AutoPassThroughAcctDlg.cpp QtAccounting/AutoPassThroughAcctDlg.hpp QtAccounting/AutoPassThroughAcctDlgBase.ui --> AutoPassThroughAcctWidgets.ui QtAccounting/ExchangeCfgDlg.cpp QtAccounting/ExchangeCfgDlg.hpp QtAccounting/ExchangeCfgDlgBase.ui --> ExchangeCfgWidgets.ui QtAccounting/ExchangeMgrDlg.cpp QtAccounting/ExchangeMgrDlg.hpp QtAccounting/ExchangeMgrDlgBase.ui --> ExchangeMgrWidgets.ui Make file changes QtAccounting/Make.package QtAccounting/ QtAccounting/QtAccounting.vcproj QtAccounting/ QtAccounting/QtAccountingGenerated.vcproj Other source file changes (for changed module names): QtAccounting/OpenAccountDlg.cpp QtAccounting/QtAcctGuiMgr.cpp QtAccounting/libQtAccountingInit.cpp QtAccounting/AcctSubordinationViewerDlg.cpp Q3GUI/AccountingCanvas.cpp Q3GUI/OpenObjectDlg.cpp Q3GUI/QGui.cpp Q3GUI/SimulationCanvas.cpp Q3GUI/SlotQtDlg.cpp Q3GUI/Workspace.cpp Q3GUI/WorkspaceCanvas.cpp QtUtils/WorkspaceGfxScene.cpp ============================= Short Description: Qt4 Port: QtAccounting, Qt3 UI files for Five dialogs Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 5.3 Round-tripped these new Qt4 UI files (which had been generated from Qt3 UI files using uic3 -convert) through Qt4 Designer (Qt 4.4.3): AccountMgrWidgets.ui AutoPassThroughAcctWidgets.ui ExchangeCfgWidgets.ui ExchangeMgrWidgets.ui SupplyMgrWidgets.ui ============================= Short Description: Minor change to QtAccounting/Make.package Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 5.3 Not sure this is necessary -- Bill and I don't know. I'm re-inaugurating the QT4_Q_OBJECT target for hpp files associated with Qt4 UI files. That is, instead of grouping all of those with the other QObject header files in the QT_Q_OBJECT target. This MIGHT be necessary to have header file includes work without relinking files -- which is partially automatic, but maybe not sufficiently. The items in these two targets are to be maintained in parallel: QT4_UI := \ AccountingSysConfigWidgets.ui \ AccountMgrWidgets.ui \ AutoPassThroughAcctWidgets.ui \ DataObjExchBuilderWidgets.ui \ ExchangeCfgWidgets.ui \ ExchangeMgrWidgets.ui \ InitAccountListSlotsWidgets.ui \ SupplyMgrWidgets.ui QT4_Q_OBJECT := \ AccountingSysConfigDlg.hpp \ AccountMgrDlg.hpp \ AutoPassThroughAcctDlg.hpp \ DataObjExchBuilderDlg.hpp \ ExchangeCfgDlg.hpp \ ExchangeMgrDlg.hpp \ InitAccountListSlotsDlg.hpp \ SupplyMgrDlg.hpp ============================= Short Description: Porting the Supply Editor Qt3 UI file to Qt4. Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 5.3 The UI file is will first be checked in BEFORE it is round-tripped through the Qt4 designer program. Then it will be checked in again after that. SEE: QtAccounting/SupplyEditor.cpp QtAccounting/SupplyEditor.hpp QtAccounting/SupplyEditorWidgets.ui <<< NEW (created from SupplyEditorBase.ui) QtAccounting/Make.package QtAccounting/ QtAccounting/QtAccountingGenerated.vcproj ---