Removal of Old Qt3 Accounting View from RiverWare / 01-05-2011 (Rw 6.1) Short Description: Removal of Qt3 Workspace Files / Step-1: Stub-Out Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): Yes For Release Nums: 6.1 With the implementation of the Qt4 "Graphics View" -based Accounting View, the Qt3 "Canvas View" -based Accounting View is being removed. In order to facilitate seamless removal in INCREMENTAL builds, the make files are initially being left intact, and the classes being removed are being gutten EXCEPT for the three QObject sublasses which are being replaced with empty QObject stubs: (1) AccountingCanvas (2) LocatorCanvas (3) WorkspaceCanvas After a day, to allow everyone's scheduled incremental builds to occur, all of the files to be removed can be removed from the Windows and Solaris makefiles, and -- the next day -- from the CVS repository. The source code removal represents about 4% of the Q3GUI library. ------------------- FILES BEING REMOVED ------------------- AccountItem.cpp AccountItem.hpp AccountingCanvas.cpp -- QObject AccountingCanvas.hpp -- QObject AggAccountItem.cpp AggAccountItem.hpp IconItem.cpp IconItem.hpp LinkItem.cpp LinkItem.hpp LocatorCanvas.cpp -- QObject LocatorCanvas.hpp -- QObject LocatorDlg.cpp LocatorDlg.hpp SimObjRegionItem.cpp SimObjRegionItem.hpp SupplyItem.cpp SupplyItem.hpp TransferItem.cpp TransferItem.hpp WorkspaceCanvas.cpp -- QObject WorkspaceCanvas.hpp -- QObject ---------------------- MODIFIED CLIENT FILES: ---------------------- Workspace.cpp Workspace.hpp CanvasRef.cpp CanvasRef.hpp ---