Short Description: Qt4 Accounting View: Basic Account QGraphicsItems Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no, not yet. For Release Nums: 6.1 Added Account Graphics Items. Item list and geometry working with basic text (not yet supporting user-configurable fonts and colors). ------------------- Q3GUI/Workspace.cpp ------------------- Enabling the visibility of the Qt4 Accounting View in the RiverWare Workspace, for the purpose of demonstation and review. Development is still in progress. static const bool SHOW_QT4_ACC_WORKSPACE (true); -------------------------------- QtUtils/AccountGfxItem.hpp -- NEW QtUtils/AccountGfxItem.cpp -- NEW QtUtils/Make.package QtUtils/ QtUtils/QtUtils.vcproj QtUtils/ QtUtils/QtUtilsGenerated.vcproj -------------------------------- Initial implementation of the Account Graphics Item. All four Account Types are supported. AccountGfxItems's are parented and managed by AcctRowGfxItem. The sequence of items responds to Account creations and deletions. Basic geometry and label text is working well (but not yet using the user- configurable font and colors). -------------------------- QtUtils/AcctRowGfxItem.hpp QtUtils/AcctRowGfxItem.cpp -------------------------- Management of a sequence of Account Graphics Items (see above), synchronized with the set of Accounts on a Simulation Object. New data members: QList _accountList; QMap _accountItemMap; QTimer* _buildAccountItemsTimer; New methods: void addAccount (Account*); void removeAccount (Account*); void updateAccountItemLayout(); void clearAccountItems(); void buildAccountItems(); void schedBuildAccountItemsTimer(); void acctItemAcctDeleted (const Account* deadAcct); void prepareGeomChange(); void buildAccountItemsTimeout(); // private slot ---