Short Description: Qt4 Accounting View: Basic "Region" QGraphicsItems Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no, not yet. For Release Nums: 6.1 Implementation of partial SimObjGfxItem composition for the "Accounting" View, consisting of only the SimObj Icon (small) and the SimObj Label. (This looks like a Qt3 SimObj Accounting View Region for a SimObj having no Accounts). Also, now unconditionally using "composition" of child QGraphicsItems for the Icon and SimObj Name Label, in all views, rather than using custom drawing for those elements in the Simulation view. The latter was used for peformance research in the original implementation of the Qt4-based Simulation Workspace. That now lacks some of the enhancements developed for the Geospatial View (e.g. configuration label positioning relative to the icon), and also is not being extended for the Accounting View enhancements. Next, the implementation of custom drawn (rather than "composited") Icon and SimObj Name Label will be removed, as it has become effectively dead code AND because the "composition" approach now has excellent peformance (in the newest versions of Qt, i.e. beyond Qt 4.4). ------------------------- QtUtils/SimObjGfxItem.hpp QtUtils/SimObjGfxItem.cpp ------------------------- Added private support methods: bool onAccountingCanvas() const; const QPixmap& standardObjIcon() const; New local configuration symbols: // Accounting SimObj Region Drawing static const int RegionMargin (4); static const int RegionLeading (3); // vertical spacing Special SimObj Region processing in these methods: QSize SimObjGfxItem::configIconSize (bool& isStandardSizeRet) const void SimObjGfxItem::paint_composite (QPainter* painter, ...) QRectF SimObjGfxItem::boundingRect() const QPainterPath SimObjGfxItem::shape() const void SimObjGfxItem::updateChildLabelItem (bool showSelected /*=false*/) ----------------------------- QtUtils/WorkspaceGfxScene.cpp ----------------------------- In method: bool WorkspaceGfxScene::useCompositeGfxItems() const, unconditionally return 'true' -- i.e. for a CanvasIDs: Simulation, Accounting and Geospatial. ---