Short Description: Fix to dragging SimObj items by label: Bounding Rect error. Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 6.1 Incorrect Bounding Rectangle computations were interfering with repositioning (by dragging) SimObj graphics items, in the Simulation and Geospatial Views. The problem was subtle. SimObj items could not be dragged if they were clicked on the LEFT SIDE of the part of the label which extended beyond the left side of the SimObj icon. See screenshots of the workspace with special graphics ornamentation to indicate the SHAPE (red) and BOUNDING RECT (yellow) areas of each SimObj graphics item: ... that webpage also shows a test of the correction for the five label position configurations in the Geospatial view. ------------------------- QtUtils/SimObjGfxItem.hpp QtUtils/SimObjGfxItem.cpp ------------------------- (1) Recoding of method: QRectF SimObjGfxItem::boundingRect() const to fix this problem. (2) Added module symbol to show SimObj graphics item "geometry diagnostic ornaments". The bounding rectangle is filled with YELLOW and the "shape" painter path is filled with RED. static const bool ShowGeomDiagOrnaments (true); ... see implementation in method: void SimObjGfxItem::paint (QPainter*, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, .. (3) Split out Accounting View SimObj "Region" background and frame painting into a distinct private method: void paintAccountingSimObjRegion ( QPainter*, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem*, QWidget*); ---