Short Description: Added AccountingGfxScene to RW 6.1 development build. Bug Number: no Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 6.1 Some of the new Qt4 Accounting Workspace development moved to the new, proper "scene" specialization class: AccountingGfxScene. Added AccountingGfxScene (a QObject) to RW 6.1 development builds QtUtils/Make.package QtUtils/ QtUtils/QtUtils.vcproj QtUtils/ QtUtils/QtUtilsGenerated.vcproj Client Modules: Q3GUI/Workspace.cpp -- AccountingGfxScene instantiation. QtUtils/SimulationGfxScene.cpp -- some code moved to AccountingGfxScene QtUtils/SimulationGfxScene.hpp -- some code moved to AccountingGfxScene Minor Changes: Q3GUI/Workspace.hpp -- removed unnecessary definition Q3GUI/LocatorDlg.cpp -- unnecessary includes removed. Q3GUI/LocatorDlg.hpp -- unnecessary includes removed. QtUtils/WorkspaceGfxScene.hpp -- comments. ---