Short Description: Drag SimObj Opt: Prevent multiple Account items selections. Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 6.1 Prevent (many) AccountGfxItems from being selected when doing a rubber-band selection on the Accounting Workspace. Only a single AccountGfxItems needs to be selected at a time, and the unnecessary (and incorrect) multiple Account Item selection ornamentation slows down multiple-SimObj Region drag operations. This is working pretty well. There is still an unusual way of having multiple AccountGfxItems selected -- but it generally won't happen and isn't actually a problem at this point. (Currently, we don't really DO anything with the selected AccountGfxItem -- it is basically just a visual ornamentation). -------------------------- QtUtils/AccountGfxItem.hpp QtUtils/AccountGfxItem.cpp -------------------------- Add setAcctItemSelected (bool) method, and "hide" the QGraphicsRectItem base class setSelected (bool) method (to the extent that that's possible -- that doesn't actually work if the method is called via a base-class pointer). (This is relevant because QGraphicsRectItem::setSelected (bool) is NOT virtual, so can't be directly overridden). private: void setSelected (bool yes) // hide QGraphicsItem method from public { QGraphicsRectItem::setSelected (yes); } public: void setAcctItemSelected (bool yes); The setAcctItemSelected (bool) method disables the "selectability" of the item if it is being de-selected. ----------------------------- QtUtils/AcctRowGfxItem.cpp QtUtils/WorkspaceGfxScene.cpp ----------------------------- Call the new method when attempting to select or deselect an Account graphics item. (See above). ---