Short Description: Drawing Optimization: Account item reordering by dragging. Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 6.1 When reordering AccountGfxItems by dragging, just re-position them instead of doing a full AccountGfxItem rebuild. (This explaination is confusing if the distinction between AcctRowGfxItems and AccountGfxItems isn't noticed): This change seems like a no-brainer, and it is now that the AcctRowGfxItem maintains a list of AccountGfxItems INSTEAD OF an list of Accounts. (That change was made a few days ago, with the implementation of Account Item Aggregation where an individual AccountGfxItem can represent a LIST of several Accounts instead of just a single Account). This change eliminates the "flicker" of Supplies when reording Account items by dragging, as Supply and Transfer graphics items no longer need to be re-created. Only their "end-point" positions need to be updated. ALSO: Additional Supply and Transfer graphics item end-point position updates when changing the Font, Account Item width, or Account Item aggregation. -------------------------- QtUtils/AcctRowGfxItem.hpp QtUtils/AcctRowGfxItem.cpp -------------------------- New method: void sortAccountItems(); Also, in method: AcctRowGfxItem::updateAccountItemLayout(), also call AccountGfxItem::schedUpdateSupplies() to update related Supply and Transfer graphics item endpoints. -------------------------- QtUtils/AccountGfxItem.cpp -------------------------- In the following two methods, schedule an update of Supply and Transfer graphics item endpoints after changes to the Font, Account Item width, or Account Item aggregation. void AccountGfxItem::setStyle (const QString&, const AccountDisplayInfo&); void AccountGfxItem::updateAccountFont (const QFont&) ---