Short Description: Qt4 Accounting View: Correct Account Graphics Item Order Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): no, not yet. For Release Nums: 6.1 ------------------ AcctRowGfxItem.hpp AcctRowGfxItem.cpp ------------------ Method AcctRowGfxItem::addAccount (Account*) method now returns the account's Account Graphics Item (AccountGfxItem*). Method AcctRowGfxItem::buildAccountItems() -- which is usually invoked through a deferred call via schedBuildAccountItemsTimer() -- now performs also these operations: (1) Sorts the Account list retrieved from the SimObj by their "display position" property, using Account::getPosition(). (2) If the sorted order doesn't match the AcctRowGfxItem's Account order, the Account List is cleared before adding items back in. (Otherwise, already existing items are not placed in the correct order). For this to work, the items' styles (AccountDisplayInfos) need to be saved and reapplied. ------------------ AccountGfxItem.hpp AccountGfxItem.cpp ------------------ AccountGfxItem now retains the last set "style" record (AccountDisplayInfo). AccountDisplayInfo _accountDisplayInfo; const AccountDisplayInfo& getStyle() const { return _accountDisplayInfo; } ---