Short Description: Added seletion "stats" message under Snapshot List Bug Number: 4744, additional enhancement. Release notes (y/n): Yes, i.e. the overall feature. For Release Nums: 5.3 Output Config dialog for PlotPages now shows the following status message under the Snapshots list, (for example): ----------------------------------------- Available: 12 Snapshot Slots in 3 Objects Plotted: 8 Snapshot Slots in 2 Objects ----------------------------------------- This message reflects the results of the check state of all of the Snapshot Object items in the list above the message. SEE IMAGES: ---------------------------- Q3GUI/OutputConfig.hpp Q3GUI/OutputConfig.cpp Q3GUI/OutputConfigWidgets.ui ---------------------------- New widget (in UI file): QLabel* _ui._snapCheckStatsLabel; New methods: void updateSnapCheckStatsLabel(); ------------------- Sim/SnapShotMgr.hpp Sim/SnapShotMgr.cpp ------------------- Added methods: QList getAllSnapshotSlotsOfSlots (const QList&); Added 'const' to various parameters. ----------------------- Sim/cwSlotSetOutput.hpp Sim/cwSlotSetOutput.cpp Sim/PlotPageInfo.cpp Sim/Slot.cpp Sim/cwCommaDelimOutput.cpp Sim/cwGraph.cpp Sim/cwGraph.hpp Sim/cwPlotter.cpp Sim/cwPlotter.hpp Sim/cwSingleRunOutput.cpp Q3GUI/PlotDialog.cpp ----------------------- Maintenance in cwOutputDevice class hierarchy. (1) Added 'const' to various parameters. (2) Removed unnecessary 'virtual' (3) Changed list type: OLD: cwDlist _slots; NEW: QList _slots; ---