Output Config Dialog / Plotting -- Basic data model and GUI changes to support CHECKABLE Snapshot Object Items to indicate which Snapshot Slots to include in generated plots. ---------------- Sim/PlotInfo.cpp Sim/PlotInfo.hpp ---------------- Changed field name: OLD: bool _snapshotState; NEW: bool _includeSnapshots; Added field: QList _activeSnapObjNames; -------------------- Sim/PlotPageInfo.cpp Sim/PlotPageInfo.hpp -------------------- Renamed methods / changed list type -- OLD: bool getSnapshotState(int row, int col); void setSnapshotState(int row, int col, bool state); cwDlist getAllSnapShotObjects(int row, int col); Renamed methods / changed list type -- NEW: bool getIncludeSnapshots (int row, int col) const; void setIncludeSnapshots (int row, int col, bool doInclude); QList getAllSnapShotObjects (int row, int col) const; New methods: QList getActiveSnapObjNames (int row, int col) const; void setActiveSnapObjNames (int row, int col, const QList&); void appendActiveSnapObjName (int row, int col, const QString&); ----------------- Sim/cwGraph.cpp Sim/cwGraph.hpp Sim/cwPlotter.cpp Sim/cwPlotter.hpp ----------------- Changed list type: OLD: cwDlist getAllSnapShotObjects(); NEW: QList getAllSnapShotObjects(); ----------------------- Sim/cwSlotSetOutput.cpp Sim/cwSlotSetOutput.hpp ----------------------- Changed field name and type: OLD: int _snapshot_state; NEW: bool _includeSnapshots; Changed list type: OLD: cwDlist getAllSnapShotObjects(); NEW: QList getAllSnapShotObjects(); Changed method names and type: OLD: virtual int getSnapshotState(); OLD: virtual void setSnapshotState(int state); NEW: virtual bool getIncludeSnapshots() const; NEW: virtual void setIncludeSnapshots(bool doInclude); ----------------------------- Q3GUI/OutputConfig.cpp Q3GUI/OutputConfig.hpp Q3GUI/OutputConfigWidgets.ui ----------------------------- Significant Layout Cleanup Work. Important new widgets in UI file: QGroupBox* _descriptionGroupBox; QWidget* _snapshotButs; QPushButton* _allSnapsButton; QPushButton* _invertSnapsButton; OLD: Q3TextEdit* _textDescription; NEW: QTextEdit* _textDescription; New methods: void descriptionGroupBox_clicked (bool); void allSnapsButton_clicked(); void invertSnapsButton_clicked(); ------------------ Q3GUI/SlotPlot.cpp ------------------ Client changes for PlotInfo change. ========================== Short Description: Utilities for QTreeWidgets with "checkable" items Bug Number: (part of addressing Gnats 4744) Release notes (y/n): no For Release Nums: 5.3 -------------------- Q3GUI/RwQt4Utils.hpp Q3GUI/RwQt4Utils.cpp -------------------- New utility functions for QTreeWidgets with "checkable" items: QList checkedItems (const QTreeWidget*, int col); void setCheckedAllItems (QTreeWidget*, int col, bool doCheck); void invertCheckedAllItems (QTreeWidget*, int col); ---