Locale-sensitive Numeric Display Formatting in RiverWare / November 2010
Edit 11-5-2010 ... Phil Weinstein, CADSWES ... Word
Proposed Approach:
With an eye towards internationalization, we prefer to provide "group separators" within displayed numbers using the convention of the host computer's "locale" (language / country) setting. This also applies to the decimal point character. We propose that a toggle be implemented which optionally displays numeric values using the machine's currently set locale -- including the locale-specific numeric group separator (e.g. comma) and decimal point character. The toggle would be managed globally in all dialogs supporting this option, and would persistent between RiverWare sessions based on user-login based settings. The "[X] Local Formatting" checkbox (see image) would appear in all Open Slot Dialogs and related Accounting Slot dialogs (e.g. the Edit Account dialog). Toggling this checkbox would immediately change the numeric display for all dialogs of these types. |
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In the screenshots below, the bottom two show the effect of the "Locale Formatting" checkbox being checked (on). |