RiverWare Ideas -- Phil -- 11-03-2010 (a)
Enhancements requiring architectural changes:
- "UNDO" of Slot value edits -- all changes to data made from the
GUI, including "propagated" effects, need to be encoded in a reversible
- RiverWare Data Model API / Plugin, deployable as a separate component, e.g.
for a web viewer application.
Under-leveraged features:
- Slot Snapshots -- it should be easy to show a Series Slot along with its
Snapshot copies -- in the Open Slot Dialog and the SCT.
- "Recent" directory lists should be available to the "Save"
operations, as a cascaded menu, ("Save In" >> ...). (We have
this only for the "Reopen" operations).
Miscellaneous usability issues:
- Review of Context Menus for common workflows.
- Review of Copy/Paste in RiverWare. (e.g. the "paste as inputs"
nuance is overdone).
- Review of dialog parenting issues. Minimizing certain dialogs also hides
other dialogs which where shown from the first dialog. (Astonishing).
- Possible "File" menu operations in many dialogs:
- Copy List [/Table] to Clipboard ... (For dialogs with a major list or table
-- or an analogous operation. This was recently added to the Supplies
and Accounts managers).
- Save as Image ... (This is easy to implement. Already implemented as "Export
Workspace Image" on the workspace).
- Supply Selection: The Supply Manager (with some changes) might serve as a
better Supply Selector than does GUS.
- Accounting System Configuration wants to have separate tabs.
- SCT: needs easier way of ordering SeriesSlots. (This could be done on a tab
similar to the Scalar and Table Slot Tabs. Needs to support Divider items too).
- SCT: override slot display settings (scale, units, precision) ... OR at least,
be able to bring up individual Slot Config dialogs from the SCT.
- Plot Page dialog instances are un-managed. Showing a Plot Page brings up
a whole new dialog, even if it is already shown.
- Can't get from the Plot Page dialog to the Output Configuration Dialog for
that Plot Page.
- Selected time-range ornamentation ... for example, selected timesteps in
an Open Series Slot Dialog could be "painted" as a background color
in Plots having a time axis ... possibly dynamically ... not necessarily limited
to a single contiguous time range.
Other Dialogs:
- Open Object Dialog: ditch drag-and-drop in favor of multiple-item selection
and operations (e.g. Plot or "Copy" multiple selected Slots).
- Provide a "Slot Clipboard" Dialog (for the already existing Slot
Clipboard) to manage a transient list of Slots, e.g. for copying from one part
of RiverWare to another ... with import/export (list) capabilities.