------------------------------------------ Display Strings for Method Execution Times RiverWare 5.3 Development -- 2-15-2010 In source file: Sim/Method.cpp ... ------------------------------------------ *** NOTE: BOTH the ExecTime enumerated type symbols AND the display strings are in the process of being changed. // static public RWCString Method::executionTimeDisplayStr (ExecTime et) { // NOTE: These strings should NOT be used for model file serialization. // We may want to change these strings, and that shouldn't break the // loading of previously saved model files. switch (et) { case DEFAULT_EXEC_TIME: { static const RWCString st0 ("Default Execution Time"); return (st0); //--------->> } case NEVER: { static const RWCString st1 ("Never"); return (st1); //--------->> } case EXECUTE_BLOCK: { static const RWCString st2 ("Beginning of Accounting Timestep and as Inputs Change"); return (st2); //--------->> } case BEGIN_RUN: { static const RWCString st3 ("Beginning of Run"); return (st3); //--------->> } case PRE_BLOCK: { static const RWCString st4 ("Beginning of Timestep"); return (st4); //--------->> } case PRE_BLOCK_AND_EXECUTE: { static const RWCString st5 ("Beginning of Timestep and as Inputs Change"); return (st5); //--------->> } } static const RWCString stX ("Execution Time ???"); return (stX); // Unknown execution time. }