RiverWare 6.1: "Add to Display Groups" Context Menus
Analysis: Workspace Context Menu: Add Link to Link Group
Phil Weinstein, CADSWES, edit 11-23-2010
Potential new feature: Ability to add a Link to a Link Group through a context menu operation on the Workspace.
The following image depicts the already existing context menu operations on physical Links. (The Display Group Editor is also shown here, but that is not dynamically shown as part of any of the context menu operations).
A third top level menu item, "Add to Link Group" (or "Add to Display Group") could be added. This would also have two additional submenu levels:
Picking an item from the list of User-Defined Link Groups would add the respective Physical Link to the picked Link Group.
A dynamic menu mechanism parallel to the support for the existing menus would need to be impelemented. Some key points in code are summarized here:
void WorkspaceGfxScene::contextMenuEvent (QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent*); void WorkspaceGfxScene::insertShowLinkGroupActions
( int LinkGfxItem::insertDspGroupActions
( Connected through WorkspaceGfxScene's
_showLinkGroupCtxSignalMapper: |