For Prerel 5.2.1: The initial value of ScalarSlots on DataObjects was changed from 0 to NaN. ========== CVS Notes: (14-Jan-2010) ========== Short Description: Initial value of new ScalarSlots on DataObjs should be NaN. Bug Number: n/a Release notes (y/n): Yes For Release Nums: 5.2.1 Initial value of new ScalarSlots should be NaN rather than 0. This had not the case for ScalarSlots on DataObjects (but HAD BEEN typical for for ScalarSlots on engineering objects). ----------------- Sim/SlotProxy.cpp ----------------- In method: SlotProxy* SlotProxyFactory::createProxy(..), for Scalar Slots, provide an initial value of INVALIDVALUE (NaN) instead of 0. OLD: return new ScalarSlotProxy (name, 0, NOUNITS, atrBits); NEW: return new ScalarSlotProxy (name, INVALIDVALUE, NOUNITS, atrBits); The effect of this code change is apparent on new ScalarSlots on DataObjects. It was TESTED also with REGRESSION TESTS on both Windows and Solaris. Good. ============== RELATED CHANGE (16-Jan-2010) ============== ----------------- Sim/SlotProxy.cpp ----------------- Coding error related to Scalar Slot Proxies. We didn't see a behavioral problem with this, but clearly the code here was incorrect. [Also confirmed with Bill]. Methods (constructors): (1) ScalarSlotProxy::ScalarSlotProxy (const RWCString&, unit_type, Slot::AttributeBits) (2) ScalarSlotProxy::ScalarSlotProxy (const RWCString&, double value, unit_type, Slot::AttributeBits) OLD: typeBits |= Slot::SeriesSlotBit; NEW: typeBits |= Slot::ScalarSlotBit; ---