For Prerel 5.2.1:
  Fractional part of user scale values over 1.0 was not shown in all displays

Screenshot showing problem:

CVS Notes 1 of 2  (16-Jan-2010)

Short Description: Fractional scales over 1.0 displayed without fraction part
Bug Number: Gnats 4851
Release notes (y/n): Yes
For Release Nums: 5.2.1

Gnats 4851: Fractional display scale is allowed, but fractional part not
shown in all displays (with scale values over 1.0).


Users can enter a fractional scales over 1.0 (e.g. "1.1") for Slot display
units. (Whether or not that is intended or desirable is not the subject of
this bug report).  Displayed values WERE presented correctly with fractional
scales BUT certain displays didn't show the fractional part of the scale
when the scale is greater than 1.0 -- e.g. "1 cms" was incorrectly displayed
in place of "1.1 cms".

The problem showed up in these places:
  (1) Open Series and Table Slot Dialogs, and in Series Dialogs: Column
        Labels and selection status bar (also related Accounting dialogs).
  (2) Open Scalar Slot Dialog: in one of the two scale/unit displays.
  (3) SCT: Slot column (or row) labels and the SCT selection status bar.


Changes in ...

  QString SlotGUIUtils::scaledUnitDisplayStr (
                           const ScaledUnitPtr scUnits,
                           const Date_Time* unscrewIrregUnitsDT /*=NULL*/)

  RWCString SlotGUIUtils::getUnitsScaleStrForUnitScope (
                           const SeriesSlot* sslot,
                           bool forAccum)

  RWCString SlotGUIUtils::getUnitsScaleStr (
                           const Slot *slot, int colNum,
                           bool altUnits /*=false*/)


Change in ...

  okstat SctModelData::getSlotScaleUnitsDisplayStr (int slotInx,
             QString &retUnitStr,     bool integrated /*=false*/,
             int tstepInx /*=(-1)*/,  double extraScale /*=1.0*/) const

CVS Notes 2 of 2  (17-Jan-2010)

Short Description: Fractional scales over 1.0 displayed without fraction part
Bug Number: Gnats 4851
Release notes (y/n): Yes. Add "Open Account Dialog" to yesterday's notes.
For Release Nums: 5.2.1

Gnats 4851: Fractional display scale is allowed, but fractional part not 
shown in all displays (with scale values over 1.0).


SEE IMAGES for related dialogs: 

Users can enter a fractional scales over 1.0 (e.g. "1.1") for Slot display 
units. (Whether or not that is intended or desirable is not the subject of 
this bug report).  Displayed values WERE presented correctly with fractional 
scales BUT certain displays didn't show the fractional part of the scale 
when the scale is greater than 1.0 -- e.g. "1 cms" was incorrectly displayed 
in place of "1.1 cms".


Change to method:
  void SlotQListViewItem::updateSlotUnits()


  In the Account's slot list, for ListSlots, show the number if items in 
the ListSlot in the "Value" column. (This had recently been implemented 
for ListSlot's in the Object Object Dialog's slot list).

... changes to methods:
  (1) void SlotQListViewItem::updateSlotValue();
  (2) int SlotQListViewItem::slotCallbackHandler (CallbackType, ..);

NOTE: an EXAMPLE of a ListSlot on an Account can be seen on a Storage 
Account by selecting this method ... Category: "Subordination of Right" 
... Method: "Subordinate Senior Rights" (... hit Apply).  This makes 
visible the "Subordinated Rights" ListSlot on the Account.  
