SlopePowerReservoir slot change for TVA, 2-17-2009
Change made in 5.1 Builds and 5.0.9-future Prerel Allow user editing of Slot Column labels for the following two slots: SlopePowerReservoir.Partition Flow Parameters [AggSeries partFlowParam] SlopePowerReservoir.Partition BW Elevation [TableSeries partBWElev] Code Change in EngrObjs/SlopePowerReservoir.cpp: partFlowParam->setColLabel("Partition 1", 0); partFlowParam->setBlockSize(1); partFlowParam->hasAttribute(Slot::UserSettableColLabelsBit, true); <<< ADDED partBWElev->setColumnLabel(0, "BW Partition 1"); partBWElev->hasAttribute(Slot::UserSettableColLabelsBit, true); <<< ADDED
User Editable Column Labels: |
See image of slot
context, and |