Gnats 4797: Integer Indexed Slots: OpenSlot Dialogs and SCTs have display issues related to synching.
10-15-2009 (Phil Weinstein, CADSWES)


There are a couple related problems, and not just related to display.

(1) Synchronizing all of the series slots in the model (when the user does
 not choose to "Exclude Slots with Different Timesteps from Run") changes
 Integer Indexed slots from their intended Hourly timestep size, starting
 at the "zero" date/time.  This was noted in the bug report, but potentially 
 has implications beyond just display issues. 

(2) The display issues noted in the bug report could occur even when the
 timestep and start time for Integer Indexed series slots are correct 
 (Hourly, starting at the "zero" date/time).  The display error could 
 occur for Integer Indexed series slots having these two properties:

   (a) having more than 745 items (rows), i.e. more than the number of hours
       in January 1800, and
   (b) having a display units with an irregular "per time" factor,
        e.g. "per month" or "per year".

This second problem occurs because display conversions involving irregular
"per time" factors -- including with Integer Indexed slots -- had used
the "date/time" of the item to know the actual length of the relevant month 
or year.  Now, when handling integer indexed slots, we the unit conversions 
which DON'T USE a reference date/time.  Those assume 30-day months and 
365-day years (i.e. non-leap year). 

Prerel 5.1.7 Changes include:

  (1) Preventing synchronization of Indexed Integer Slots
  (2) Addition of a new Slot Type RootFilter value for choosing Integer
       Indexed Slots.

Other changes checked into only 5.2 Builds are:

  (3) After model loading, FIX timestep spec for Integer Indexed Slots
  (4) In the Open SeriesSlot Dialog AND in the SCT -- both when showing
       cell values AND selection summary statistics -- in the case of
       Integer Indexed slots, don't use the row index's "date/time" as
       a reference date/time for unit conversion.
  (5) Also, in the selection summary statistics panels (in both the Open
       Slot Dialog and the SCT): (a) don't show any timestep date/time
       information nor time-integrated computations and (b) in the case of
       "per-month" display units, indicate that 30-day months are assumed.
  (6) In the SCT, don't show any time-region dividers.
