Gnats 4701: Edit Account
Dialog selection statistics problem with computed irregular flow units.
Fixed in 5.1 Builds and 5.0.9-future on 2-23-2009 / Gnats
Record / Images
Two problems were found with the Selection Status display in the Edit Account dialog. These had been present since the first Qt implementation of the Edit Account dialog, in RiverWare 4.8 [Oct. 2006]. There is an actual "Flow" value computational error in the Edit Account dialog Account SeriesSlots when all of these conditions occur: (1) in models with an irregular timestep size (monthly or annual), and (2) for slots having irregular time display units (i.e. volume per month or volume per year), and (3) for slots whose primary unit type is volume (e.g. Storage Account Gain Loss) rather than flow, and (4) when the set of selected cells does not include cells in the first data row. All selection statistics are computed in standard units. This requires a reference timestep to translate the results back into display units when irregular units are used. The computation of the reference timestep for that case was sometimes incorrect. Also, the Edit Account dialog lacks the unit display convention used in the SCT to disambiguate irregular display units (e.g. Acre Feet per Month) when translating them from standard units. We may reassess in the near future the strict use of only standard units in the computation of selection statistics presented in the SCT and in the Edit Account dialog (and optionally in other standard series data displays, e.g. the Open SeriesSlot dialog). When irregular units are used, we may choose to compute selection statistics directly in display units. [Note: All computations done in the Sim library should always be in standard units]. --------------------------- Q3GUI/SlotQDlgSelection.cpp --------------------------- Change in: void SlotQDlgSelection::compileValidVals ( SlotQDlgSelectionStats&, unit_type preferredUnitType) const; ------------------------------ Q3GUI/SlotQDlgSelStatFrame.cpp ------------------------------ Change in: SlotQDlgSelStatFrame::refreshStatusBar(), with use of a support method in Sim/SlotGUIUtils: QString scaledUnitDisplayStr (const ScaledUnitPtr, const Date_Time* refDT). ---