Estimate Request: User ordering of Plot Pages in the Plot Dialog Plot Page Selection Panel. Project notes: See image of the currently implemented panel: The order of Plot Pages in the Plot Dialog Plot Page Selection Panel is the order of Plot Pages in the Output Manager which lists also other types of Output Devices. It would be simplest to define a user-editable order of all Output Devices (including Plot Pages) within the Output Manager. Technical note: The order of output devices is represented by the order of items in a cwDlist (double-linked list) in Sim/cwOutputDeviceMgr: cwDlist _devices; ---------------- Design proposal: ---------------- (1) In the Output Manager output device list, an initial column will be added showing the ordinal number of the list items. (To keep the column narrow, the column header label for that column will be short: "Ord"). (2) Ordering controls would be added to the Output Manager below the Output Device list: o Icon Button: Up Arrow (Blue Bulbous) o Icon Button: Down Arrow (Blue Bulbous) o Button: Set Order (3) The ordering arrows will be enabled only when the list's first column is selected. Clicking either button will move the single or multiple selected items up or down by one position. (Note that this list already supports multiple selection). The arrows will be disabled also when the first or last row item is selected (respectively for the Up and Down arrow buttons). It will be reasonable to operate the Up and Down arrows in rapid succession. (4) The "Set Order" button will be enabled only when some other column (other than the first column) is selected. Clicking this button will show a confirmation dialog box indicating that the previously defined custom order will be changed. If the user continues, the custom order will assigned from the current sort order, and the first column becomes the selected column (resulting in enabling the Up and Down buttons). (5) The custom order will be internally represented by the existing list in Sim/cwOutputDeviceMgr. (6) There will be an easy way to show the Output Manager from the Plot Dialogs, possibly from a new "Utilities" menu. ------------------ Development tasks: ------------------ (1) Sim/cwOutputDeviceMgr: Add methods to move a specified subset of Output Devices up or down in the list. (2) Add a callback type for changes in the Output Device list order, triggered from the new Sim/cwOutputDeviceMgr methods. (3) Output Manager and Plot Dialogs: respond to the callback by refreshing Sim/cwOutputDeviceMgr's Output Device list, preserving the current item selection. (4) Output Manager Dialog: Add "Ord" column. Add and implement widgets for the sorting controls. (5) Plot Dialogs: Add a control (probably a menu item) to show the Output Manager. ---------------------------- Development estimate: 2 days ---------------------------- ---