RiverWare 5.1 (Development, 2-10-2009) Slot Column Label Editing Column Label Editing (by the user) is supported on TableSlots (including Table Series Slots) and on AggSeries Slots for both: (1) Slots on Data Objects (2) Slots with this Slot Attribute: UserSettableColLabelsBit The latter is currently set on these two Engineering Object slots: WaterUser: irrAreaByCrop ("Irrigated Area by Crop") WaterUser: ETRateByCrop ("Evapotranspiration Rate by Crop") Multiple-line labels are NOT supported. Including a "new line" character code (i.e. either "
" or "\n") doesn't currently work. But that could be made to work with a minor change in Q3GUI/RowColLabelEditor.cpp. A bug related to supporting programmatically set Multiple-line labels HAS BEEN addressed: http://cadswes2.colorado.edu/~philw/2008/bugs/4619/ =============== TECHNICAL NOTES =============== ------------------- Open TableSlot Menu ------------------- Column >> Edit Column Labels... ----------------------- Open AggSeriesSlot Menu ----------------------- View >> Edit Column Labels... ---------------- Q3GUI/SlotQtDlg: ---------------- _columnLabelsAction->setText (tr ("Edit Column Labels...")); connect (_columnLabelsAction, SIGNAL (activated()), this, SLOT (setColumnLabelsAction())); const bool enaColLab (_slot && ((onDataObj && (_isTableSlot || _isAggSeriesSlot)) || _slot->hasAttribute(Slot::UserSettableColLabelsBit))); RwQtUtils::enableAction (_columnLabelsAction, ded && enaColLab); RowColLabelEditor *dlg = new RowColLabelEditor (thisBaseRWDlg, NULL, true); // modal dlg->setSlot (_slot, false); // edit column labels ============= Request was for: SlopePowerReservoir partBWTable ("Partition BW Table", 1,3), partFlowParam ("Partition Flow Parameters", 1, FLOW, NOUNITS, "PFP"),. But check if also for: partProfileCoefTable ("Partition Profile Coef Table", 1,5), partBWElev ("Partition BW Elevation", 1, LENGTH), // Weighting Coefficient slots TableSlotProxy numParts; TableSlotProxy partProfileCoefTable; TableSlotProxy partBWTable; AggSeriesSlotProxy partFlowParam; TableSeriesSlotProxy partBWElev; Compare To: // Irrigation Acreage and Evapotranspiration slots irrAreaByCrop("Irrigated Area by Crop", 1, AREA, NOUNITS, "", Slot::AttributeBits(Slot::SimObjSlotBit | Slot::UserSettableColLabelsBit)), ETRateByCrop("Evapotranspiration Rate by Crop", 1, VELOCITY, NOUNITS, "", Slot::AttributeBits(Slot::SimObjSlotBit | Slot::UserSettableColLabelsBit)), // irr_acrg_et_rates AggSeriesSlotProxy irrAreaByCrop; AggSeriesSlotProxy ETRateByCrop; =============