RiverWare 5.1 Workspace Qt3 QCanvas to Qt4 QGraphicsView Port -- Hit Refresh
Prototyping -- 12-26-2008

First demonstrable build with a Prototype Qt4 QGraphicsScene / QGraphicsView GUI Workspace.

A QGraphicsScene with SimObj icons for Simulation Objects is built from the loaded RiverWare Sim Workspace. RiverWare callbacks are implemented for SimObj creation and destruction. The SimObj QGraphicsItems (icons) have "moving" and "selectability" enabled, but that isn't hooked up.

The test can be enabled in the development build with a change in Q3GUI/Workspace.cpp:
#define ENA_GRAPHICS_VIEW_TEST (0) // (0 or 1)

Qt3 QCanvas-based Workspace


Prototype Qt4 QGraphicsView Workspace


QGraphicsScene class hierarchy (Qt3 QCanvas replacement):

  SimWsGraphicsScene    -- Simulation Workspace
  ObjGraphicsScene      -- operations of SimObjs and Accounts
  RwGraphicsScene       -- general properties (fonts, text color, bg color)
  QGraphicsScene [Qt4]

QGraphicsView class hierarchy:

  SimWsGraphicsView     -- Simulation Workspace (View)
  RwGraphicsView        -- general base class
  QGraphicsView [Qt4]

QGraphicsItem class hierarchy:

  SimObjGraphicsItem    -- SimObj Icons on Simulation Workspace
  RwGraphicsItem        -- general base class
  QGraphicsItem [Qt4]