RPL Global User-defined Functions -- 4-13-2009 http://cadswes2.colorado.edu/~philw/2009/GlobalRplFunctions/ Added variation of the RPL Function Icon for Global Functions (i.e. Functions in Global RplSets). ------------------ QtRpl/RplIcons.hpp QtRpl/RplIcons.hpp ------------------ New public method: static const QPixmap& globalFunction() { return me()->_globalFunction; } New private members: static const char* _globalFunctionData[]; QPixmap _globalFunction; Also, renamed these two overloaded public methods. Semantically, this overload was reasonable, but technically, it's fragile. I ran into a problem two times related to the incorrect one being chosen (once because of a typo which didn't result in a compilation error). OLD: static const QPixmap& getIcon (const RplObj*); OLD: static const QPixmap& getIcon (bool); NEW: static const QPixmap& getObjIcon (const RplObj*); NEW: static const QPixmap& getActiveStateIcon (bool); Modified client files: QtRpl/RplAnalysisDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplBlockDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplBlockSelectorDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplDocConfigDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplFunctionDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplGUI.cpp QtRpl/RplGroupDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplImportDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplLayoutDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplListView.cpp QtRpl/RplSearchReplaceDlg.cpp QtRpl/RplSetDlg.cpp QtRun/QtMultiRunEditDlg.cpp ---