Subject: Global Function set testing From: David Neumann Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 13:47:29 -0600 To:,, Edie Zagona Phil/Patrick, Here are my initial comments on reviewing global functions. I will continue testing when I document it. David 1. The "Type" of a group in a global set is currently "Global Function Group". Should it be "Global Utility Group" to be consistent? 2. Is there some order in which it looks for functions? I copied a utility group from an old ruleset and pasted it to a global set. When I ran it complained that it had two groups of the same name. This is as expected. I then changed the name of one of the groups and it ran fine. So now I have two groups with functions of the same name. Which functions did it use? If I disable one group, it still runs with the other one. I thought it would complain that I had two functions of the same name. Is this a bug or a potentially confusing feature? 3. I like having the lightning bolt on the RPL dialogs, but can you move it to the left of the "RPL Set loaded" button? This will put it next to the "External Documentation" button. 4. Is there a way to make these global sets have a different set of colors than other RPL sets? Currently, RPL sets use Blue -> light blue -> pink -> maroon -> etc as new ones are added. Maybe these could use some other set of colors so they are differentiated. Start with Green -> Light Green -> Pastel Green or something. 5. From a global function set, if you do a File->Open, it uses Files of type rls and rls.gz when it should use .gfs. And then it opens it as a ruleset, not a global set. Same with File->New. This looks like a bug. 6. From the workspace, Policy->Ruleset->"Reopen and Load" now has to be done after opening the global sets making the option less useful. No change needed here, but I bet we will get comments that opening global sets needs to be easier. I've already forgotten to do it in the correct order twice. ---