RiverWare 5.1 Workspace Qt3 QCanvas to Qt4 QGraphicsView Port -- Hit Refresh
New Workspace Toolbar Buttons -- 3-31-2009 -- See Notes, below.

ToolbarDetail-NormalSelMode.gif Normal Selection Mode
ToolbarDetail-HandDragMode.gif Hand Drag Mode
ToolbarDetail-LocatorMode.gif In-View Locator Mode
ToolbarDetail-AccountingVie.gif Accounting View (old Qt3 Workspace)

The rightmost Toolbar Button is the "Show Locator Window"  function. The is the original Locator View function, moved to a new location. (It had been to the right of the "Link Editor" button). The border (box) was added to the icon.



See also prior toolbar snapshots (with the new Hand Drag Pan toolbar button).

CVS Notes:

Workspace Toolbar: Reconciling the two "Locator"-related Toolbar Buttons

With the introduction of the "In-View Locator Mode" (among three new
modes, including also "Normal Selection Mode" and "Hand Drag Mode"),
the TWO Locator related toolbar buttons (i.e. also the old "Show Locator
Window" button) need to look appropriately related, but distinct, and
should be next to each other.

The Telescope motif was adapted, adding a border for the "Show Locator
Window" button, and using the lavender color in the "In-View Locator
Mode" which appears in the three related Mode buttons.

See screenshots:


Rearrange Toolbar Buttons: Put the "Show Locator Window" button
immediately to the right of the new "In-View Locator Mode" button.


Changes to XPM image source:
  static const char* const locator_data[];
  static const char* const locatorModeOff_data[];
  static const char* const locatorModeOn_data[];
