Currently open RiverWare-GUI bugs (12-07-2009) -- 44 Bugs
1852 | Dispatch Info dialog should show pre-sim disp of reaches | |
1942 | Table Series Slots do not refresh | |
2157 | Problems with zero based row labeling. | |
2249 | No menu or accelerators for "Slots"/"Methods" in DispInfo diag | |
2345 | Run Analysis diag rule select/Mark cells confusion | |
2554 | Blank RunAnalysisDialog should contain a message stating that no data are available. | |
3387 | Plotting -- managing labels in different dialogs | |
3425 | Open object dialog often gets stuck open | |
3510 | Font size is not easily user configurable in most RiverWare dialog boxes | |
3523 | cut and paste, 1-level undo | |
3527 | can't use date-time spinner in open object dialog while model is running | |
3536 | Sometimes the Run Control or Open Object dialogs will not close | |
3752 | MLKs and UMRs in Qt stuff, X-related assertion in riverware.cpp | |
3755 | Locator view window is always raised | |
3802 | Can create links to snapshot slots | |
3804 | links are visible even if slots they link aren't | |
3806 | Always get "objects saved outside workspace bounds" message in 4.6 | |
3810 | "Save As..." and "Open Model..." dialogs sometimes open in the minimized state and then are blank when the dialog is restored | |
3840 | Backspace and Enter keys don't work in text fields on a specific machine | |
3925 | Table slots on data objects have no functions to add or delete colums - need column insert | |
3945 | Open ListSlot Dialog needs addition of some standard Slot Dialog features | |
4145 | TableSlot dialog sizing problem | |
4146 | supplies show up twice in supply mgr | |
4152 | supply type in supply selector changes, becomes incorrect | |
4153 | Open Object dialogs should (maybe) be Deleted when Closed | |
4247 | Closing the console window on Windows OS crashes RiverWare | |
4259 | New slots are placed out of order when in ascending view. | |
4355 | Dialog tab order should be set | |
4395 | No confirmation when deleting an aggregate element | |
4518 | Configure>Precision does nothing for Scalar Slots | |
4544 | Some Dates are cut off (particularly Wednesdays) in the Accounting dialog | |
4549 | Qt4: Display Group Editor: Legend column is different | |
4600 | Ordering problems in menus (including combobox menus) | |
4616 | When editing aggregate element name you shouldn't have to hit enter | |
4625 | Riverware can hang up due to iconified modal dialog | |
4659 | Incorrect error dialog from output configuration dialog | |
4667 | Dialog windows no longer open where they last opened | |
4697 | TableSeriesSlot not setting column labels correctly | |
4712 | The open object dialog slot ordering is unpredictable | |
4737 | Menus are sometimes transparent, intermittently | |
4744 | Output Config doesn't use the individual Snapshot selections | |
4753 | SeriesSlot "insert before" w/ multiple selection is incorrect | |
4821 | Workspace link tool tipes should be shown in status bar as well | |
4822 | Configure (AggSeries Slot) Timeseries dialog doesn't handle multiline column labels. |