Currently open RiverWare-GUI bugs -- Edit 12-27-2009 (b)

  1. High Priority Bugs -- Important and relatively easy to address
  2. Moderate Priority Bugs -- Important, but difficult to address
  3. Low Priority Bugs -- Not as import, or difficult to address relative to importance
  4. Other High Priority Bugs -- Not "RiverWare GUI", Assigned by David
  5. Other Recently Filed or Closed Bugs

(1) High Priority Bugs -- Important and relatively easy to address

Bug Done Est (hr)
Filer  Description Notes
1942 12-8-2009 3.0 Setzer Table Series Slots do not refresh Important also for 4457; Done.
3387 12-10-2009 3.0 Nancy Plotting -- managing labels in different dialogs The crash part was fixed, see Phil's note.
3802 12-10-2009 1.5 Nancy Can create links to snapshot slots Easy fix
4395 12-10-2009 1.0 Bill No confirmation when deleting an aggregate element Easy fix. But confirm with David that this is desirable.
4697 12-11-2009 2.0 Bill TableSeriesSlot not setting column labels correctly Easy fix.
4753 12-11-2009 1.5 Bill SeriesSlot "insert before" w/ multiple selection is incorrect The problem scenario should just be disabled.
4821 12-9-2009 1.5 David Workspace link tool tips should be shown in status bar as well Done
4822 12-11-2009 1.0 Phil Configure (AggSeries Slot) Timeseries dialog doesn't handle multiline column labels. Easy fix. (Also, some layout cleanup, i.e. stretch factors and alignment).

(2) Moderate Priority Bugs -- Important, but difficult to address

Bug Done Filer  Description Notes
3806 CLOSED Setzer Always get "objects saved outside workspace bounds" message in 4.6 Similar bug: 4786
3925 12-11-2009 Setzer Table slots on data objects have no functions to add or delete colums - need column insert Will require some TableSlot data munging development. UPDATE: Actually, it didn't. The required TableSlot method was available.
4259   Tim New slots are placed out of order when in ascending view. Needs testing. Bug file was deleted. (Maybe available from old backups). May need assistance from Tim.
4518 12-21-2009 Pry Configure>Precision does nothing for Scalar Slots See original bug images. An applied-value label (non-editable) was added to the standard SeriesSlot configuration, which shows the value in the configured display precicsion.
4600   Patrick Ordering problems in menus (including combobox menus) Needs analysis and testing.
4616 12-18-2009 David When editing aggregate element name you shouldn't have to hit enter Fixed. Also "Click-Wait-Click-Wait" edit initiation was disabled to address a related problem.
4659 12-21-2009 Bill Incorrect error dialog from output configuration dialog  
4712 12-24-2009 Patrick The open object dialog slot ordering is unpredictable The non-deterministic sorting was specifically with the Slot Type column. That has been fixed. The bug makes the suggestion of implementing non-destructive sorting, which we are not going to do right now. See more info in bug report.
4744 12-22-2009 Phil Output Config doesn't use the individual Snapshot selections The desirable (expected) behavior was never implemented. But it should be. For RW 5.2, we're just disabling user selection of Snapshot Object items. This removes the illusion that user selection has meaning.

(3) Low Priority Bugs -- Not as import, or difficult to address relative to importance

Bug Done  Filer Description Notes
1852   Arnaud Dispatch Info dialog should show pre-sim disp of reaches Important part was addressed
2157 CLOSED Setzer Problems with zero based row labeling. Design decision
2249   Arnaud No menu or accelerators for "Slots"/"Methods" in DispInfo diag This may to worth addressing. A "work-flow" involving repeated runs and examining dispatch info should be identified.
2345 CLOSED Arnaud Run Analysis diag rule select/Mark cells confusion Not important. Not sure that the suggested change is desirable.
2554 CLOSED Travis Blank RunAnalysisDialog should contain a message stating that no data are available. Not sure that the suggested change is desirable.
3425 CLOSED Setzer Open object dialog often gets stuck open Unlikely to still a problem.
3510 12-18-2009 Grantz Font size is not easily user configurable in most RiverWare dialog boxes See new Workspace menu item: Utilities >> Windows >> Set Font...
3523 CLOSED Nancy cut and paste, 1-level undo Should be addressed as an enhancement, or with some other feature (e.g. annotation of the cell(s) copied to the clipboard).
3527   Nancy can't use date-time spinner in open object dialog while model is running Automatic global time scroll generated from the run controller should perhaps be optional
3536 CLOSED Grantz Sometimes the Run Control or Open Object dialogs will not close No longer relevant
3752 CLOSED Nancy MLKs and UMRs in Qt stuff, X-related assertion in riverware.cpp General engineering
3755 12-27-2009 Patrick Locator view window is always raised There's no downside to making this change, i.e. not having the Locator View Window be a "child" of the Workspace. Done.
3804   Nancy links are visible even if slots they link aren't Not important. And I'm not sure the suggested change is clearly better.
3810 CLOSED Grantz "Save As..." and "Open Model..." dialogs sometimes open in the minimized state and then are blank when the dialog is restored We don't recommend use of the "twm" X11 Window Manager. On Solaris, we recommend use of the CDE Window Manager.
3840 CLOSED Setzer Backspace and Enter keys don't work in text fields on a specific machine Very limited circumstances. But note: This is relevant to international deployment of RiverWare. Reported by Addis Ababa (November 2005). Difficult to analyze.
3945 12-25-2009 Phil Open ListSlot Dialog needs addition of some standard Slot Dialog features Done. See Screenshots
4145   Patrick TableSlot dialog sizing problem Needs retesting.
4146 CLOSED Nancy supplies show up twice in supply mgr Hard to recreate. Bug file was deleted. (Maybe available from old backups).
4152 CLOSED Nancy supply type in supply selector changes, becomes incorrect Possibly already fixed. Hard to test. Bug file was deleted. (Maybe available from old backups).
4153 CLOSED Phil Open Object dialogs should (maybe) be Deleted when Closed This had been fixed with the Qt4 (Qt3-compatibility) Port.
4247   Patrick Closing the console window on Windows OS crashes RiverWare Low level issue, hard to address. This is a problem only when diagnostic output to console isn't removed or commented out.
4355 CLOSED Bill Dialog tab order should be set Mostly OK. Needs a lot of testing if we decide that that is warranted.
4544 12-20-2009 Pry Some Dates are cut off (particularly Wednesdays) in the Accounting dialog This Qt3 bug (not taking into account the greater width needed for the BOLDED state of the font) was addressed by padding row header labels with a computed number of spaces. This should be removed when the relevant table widgets are ported to Qt4-proper.
4549 12-22-2009 David Qt4: Display Group Editor: Legend column is different Custom drawing fixes.
4625 CLOSED Nancy Riverware can hang up due to iconified modal dialog This is really a bug with an unusal (Unix) X-Window Manager. We should instead recommend against the use of the "twm" window manager. On Solaris, we recommend use of the CDE Window Manager.
4667 CLOSED David Dialog windows no longer open where they last opened Probably 98.6% already addressed. Needs extensive testing, if it is important to guarantee that this is fixed for absolutely all dialogs.
4737 Open Issue Phil Menus are sometimes transparent, intermittently Low level Qt disfunction. We should see if this happens with a newer version of Qt4. (We're at 4.4.3, and the latest is Qt 4.6.x). See images.

(4) Other High Priority Bugs -- Not "RiverWare GUI", Assigned by David

Bug Done Filer  Description Notes
4210 12-16-2009 Vickers Problem with regular intervals on periodic slots
See Screenshots.
4783 Open Issue Setzer Cannot drag "highlight square" to highlight objects that exist outside of the displayed portion of the workspace We have a question in to ICS. See illustration webpages.
4811 12-8-2009 Butler Empty slots in snapshot if not saving model output
4819 12-8-2009 David Tabular series slots output device does not work in batch mode

(5) Other Recently Filed or Closed Bugs

Bug Done Filer  Description Notes
4827 12-14-2009 David Output Manager Plot Page: Using red X doesn't close, leads to crash  
4828 12-14-2009 Tim Unit converter sometimes hides significant digits The Unit Converter dialog now insures sufficient display field width with each change of inputs.
4831 12-15-2009 David Creating a computational subbasin is awkward Added redundant, top-level, "Append Computational Subbasin" menu item.
4835 12-17-2009 Phil Export Copy: Periodic Slot and Integer Indexed Series Slot: Row header text has invalid time. Detected when addressing Gnats 4210
4840   Phil Link Display Groups: Can't be reverted from Two-Slot Set definition to One-Slot Set Filed 12-24-2009

See also: Significant RiverWare 5.2 Development / Phil (Mostly GUI)

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