RiverWare 5.0 Development: Removal of the Galaxy library -- HIT REFRESH
Notes on removing Galaxy from Windows / Visual Studio
1-11-2008 (Phil, with assistance from Neil).

All Galaxy header file includes and Galaxy libraries have been removed from the RiverWare 5.0 source and make files.

On Windows, the Galaxy libraries had been linked by virtue of those libraries being in a directory included in the "LIB" System Environment Variable. I haven't changed that. In fact, this needs to stay in place so that we can build RiverWare 4.9 Patches.

Without special privileges, on Windows XP, it's possible to see only the beginning of System Environment Variables. However, from a terminal (with echo %LIB%), the definition (on my system) of that variable can be seen to be:


There is a way of associating external libraries with individual Visual Studio projects -- and we do do that for several libraries. In the Properties of the "Start Up Project", a list of "Additional Library Directories" can be configured. See the following two images.