Solaris e-mail program problems. 4-30-2008.
Unix account: philw (CADSWES)

I moved from using Netscape7 for both e-mail and web browsing to Thunderbird for e-mail and Firefox for web browsing. Two problems:

(1) There doesn't seem to be any way to configure Thunderbird to show webpages in Firefox when clicking on a URL link within an e-mail message. Nothing happens.

(2) Periocally, the following modal dialog box comes up, effectively locking up Thunderbird until I find this dialog box. (Even though it's modal, it doesn't stay on top). Something about the SSL certificate for animas. FIXED ....


UPDATE (Wednesday, 6:10 pm):

I should have actually read the error message. It was a simple matter to change 'animas' to '' in my POP3 and SMTP configurations, in Thunderbird.

Clicking "View Certificate" shows the dialog box pictured below.