Gnats 4650: GUS Slot Type Filter: Clarifying confusion with "Expression" Slots Fixed in RiverWare 5.1 Development, 11-18-2008. Two new Slot Type Filter values were added to select only Series Slots with RPL Expression and Scalar Slots with RPL Expression. This is slightly redundant with the separate Slot Filter: "Has RPL Expr". SEE ALSO: ------------------------ Sim/RootFilter.Slot.cpp Sim/RootFilter.Slot.hpp ------------------------ New Slot Type Filter Values (RiverWare 5.1): 1: All Series Types 2: All Table Types 3: Series 4: AggSeries 5: Multi 6: Table 7: TableSeries 8: Periodic 9: Scalar 10: Scalar and 1x1 Table 11: List 12: Series with RPL Expression // <<< NEW 13: Scalar with RPL Expression // <<< NEW 14: Tcl-Expression (Deprecated) // <<< Formerly, "Expression" Previously Defined Slot Type Filter Values (RiverWare 5.0): 1: All Series Types 2: Series 3: AggSeries 4: Expression // Replaced (See #14, above). 5: Multi 6: All Table Types // Moved up (See #2, above). 7: Table 8: TableSeries 9: Periodic 10: Scalar 11: Scalar and 1x1 Table 12: List ---