Gnats 4424: Configure Slots dialog: ScalarSlot Unit-Type Change has no effect.
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The image below shows the effect of applying a Unit Type change to all enumerated slots. Before the operation all Slots and Slot Columns had the unit type of NONE. The change to a unit type of Area failed on (1) the Scalar Slots and (2) the AggSeriesSlot Columns after the first column. (Note that there is a distinct listview item for each AggSeriesSlot column. In this example the AggSeriesSlot has three columns). See also some debug output below the image.

Debug Output -- data immediately before the Unit Type Set operation. This shows that Unit Type set operation was attempted for all slots, including those for which the operation failed. That is, the failure is below that particular level of code. The failed items (based on the results of the operation shown above) are indicated in Red.

ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.AggSeries00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.AggSeries00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.AggSeries00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.PeriodicSlot00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.Scalar00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.ScalarWithExpr00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.Series00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.SeriesWithExpr00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.Table00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.Table00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE
ConfigSlotsDlg::applyChangesToItem DataObj0.Table00000: guiOldUTyp: NONE, guiNewUTyp: Area, slotUTyp: NONE