RiverWare Window Icons on MS Windows
Phil Weinstein -- edit 1-22-2009 -- HIT REFRESH

Notice the new Title Bar and Task Bar icons in the Windows XP screenshot below. The Snapshot Manager is showing the old default icon. See also code details, below.

image link


RiverWare Window Icons are enabled or disabled depending on these values in Q3GUI/QGUI.cpp:

   static const bool ENA_WINDOW_LOGO_ICON_WINDOWS (true);
   static const bool ENA_WINDOW_LOGO_ICON_SOLARIS (true);

The Window Icon should be explicitly set in all RiverWare dialog constructors. This is automatic for some dialogs, depending on parenting and the optional use of our dialog base classes. But it's simplest to just apply it explicitly to all dialogs:

   #ifndef QGuiINCLUDED
   #include "QGui.hpp"

In dialog (and main window) constructors, add:

   // Set Window Icon.
   QGui::setWindowLogoIcon (this);
