# $Id: Make.package,v 1.27 2008/01/15 00:50:10 philw Exp $
# this makefile contains package specific variables.

# the package name.
# now set in Make.master (for Make.master to include this file).
#pkg := 

# the executable name if the package makes an executable, null
# otherwise.
exec_name := 

# file lists should be arranged alphabetically by suffix; long lines
# should be continued with backslashes, with continuation lines
# indented with spaces (not tabs).

# the library and executable source file lists; they can contain C++
# (.cpp) and C (.c) source files.

LIB_SRC := \


# the library Qt user interface and Q_OBJECT file lists.

QT_UI := \


# the runtime file list (the files which must be released with the
# executable).


# please don't edit below this line

ifneq ($(LIB_SRC),)

# non-null if the package makes a library, null otherwise.  the
# library name is derived from the package name.
makes_lib := t


ifneq ($(EXEC_SRC),)

# non-null if the package makes an executable, null otherwise. the
# executable name is defined above.
makes_exec := t 


ifneq ($(strip $(QT_UI) $(QT_Q_OBJECT)),)

# non-null if the package contains Qt user interface files, null
# otherwise.
makes_qt := t

QT_SRC := $(strip $(patsubst %.ui,%.cpp,$(QT_UI)) \
                  $(patsubst %.ui,moc_%.cpp,$(QT_UI)) \
                  $(patsubst %.hpp,moc_%.cpp,$(QT_Q_OBJECT)))
