RiverWare Build without the SCT: Stubs -- October 2008
Phil Weinstein -- Edit 10-17-2008 -- Hit Refresh

The current configuration of the Solaris RiverWare 5.1 Debug Build exceeds the size capacity of the linker (loader). The following error occurs:

ld: fatal: file /dev/zero: mmap anon failed: Not enough space

In order to diagnose the problem and to provide a temporary workaround for continued development, a STUB MODULE for the SCT Library has been developed. RiverWare can now be built on Solaris without the SCT by modifying the following files in the QtSCT library:

  1. Make.package -- replace lists with:
       LIB_SRC := QtSctLibStub.cpp
       QT_UI := (blank)
       QT_Q_OBJECT := QtSctLibStub.hpp

  2. Modify the following header files to ONLY include QtSctLibStub.hpp.
  3. Also needed is the following header file, unchanged. No other source files are required.

The SCT Stub library is less than 2MB. The actual SCT library is about 65MB. See the sizes of all the RiverWare libraries (debug, on Solaris).

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