RiverWare Build without the SCT: Stubs -- October 2008
Phil Weinstein -- Edit 10-17-2008 -- Hit Refresh
The current configuration of the Solaris RiverWare 5.1 Debug Build exceeds the size capacity of the linker (loader). The following error occurs:
ld: fatal: file /dev/zero: mmap anon failed: Not enough space
In order to diagnose the problem and to provide a temporary workaround for continued development, a STUB MODULE for the SCT Library has been developed. RiverWare can now be built on Solaris without the SCT by modifying the following files in the QtSCT library:
The SCT Stub library is less than 2MB. The actual SCT library is about 65MB. See the sizes of all the RiverWare libraries (debug, on Solaris).
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