// Rotated Table Header Text Qt4 Experimentation -- 9-12-2008

// Phil's experimentation with custom drawing of rotated text in a Qt4
// QHeaderView.  This is just a proof-of-concept.  Two intermediate QPixmaps
// are used, and that certainly isn't necessary -- they were introduced to
// help idenify some difficulties I was having understanding the matrix
// transforms.  This code may have some one-off problems, but it's close.
// The drawing of QPixmaps onto QPainters is rescaling to the target area -- 
// that should done without rescaling.  Better yet, intermediate QPixmaps
// should be eliminated.

// Sample Diagnostic Output:
//   RunAnalGridQHeaderView::paintSection [4]: '09-13-2008 24:00' 
//      [72 --> 89;  0 --> 123] Cen: (61.5,8.5)
//    Top: 0 --> -8 --> -61 --> 0
//    Lft: 0 --> -61 --> 9 --> 17
//    Bot: 17 --> 9 --> 62 --> 123
//    Rgt: 123 --> 62 --> -8 --> 0
//   RunAnalGridQHeaderView::sizeHint: [30, 124]


// virtual from QHeaderView
void RunAnalGridQHeaderView::paintSection (QPainter* painter,
                                           const QRect& rect,
                                           int logicalIndex) const
   static const char (*mname) ("RunAnalGridQHeaderView::paintSection");


   const int rectLft (rect.left());
   const int rectRgt (rect.right());
   const int rectTop (rect.top());
   const int rectBot (rect.bottom());

   const QPalette& pal (palette());
   QColor fgColor (pal.color (QPalette::WindowText));
   QColor bgColor (pal.color (QPalette::Window));

   const QFontMetrics fm (fontMetrics());
   const QString colLabel = label (logicalIndex);
   // const int colLabelWidth  = fm.width (colLabel) + 15;
   // const int colLabelHeight = fm.height() + 15;
   // Note: given rectangle is for rotated geometry, but these dimensions
   // are for the un-rotated dimensions.
   const int colLabelWidth  = std::max (1, (rectBot - rectTop)); // rotated
   const int colLabelHeight = std::max (1, (rectRgt - rectLft)); // rotated

   // *******************************************
   // ***  (1) Create Horizontal Text Pixmap  ***
   // *******************************************

   const QSize tmpHorzSize (colLabelWidth, colLabelHeight);
   const QRect tmpHorzRect (0, 0, colLabelWidth, colLabelHeight);
   const double tmpHorzCenterX (colLabelWidth  * 0.5);
   const double tmpHorzCenterY (colLabelHeight * 0.5);
   QPixmap tmpHorzPmap (tmpHorzSize);
   QPainter pmapHorzPainter (&tmpHorzPmap);

   pmapHorzPainter.fillRect (tmpHorzRect, bgColor);
   pmapHorzPainter.setPen (fgColor);
   pmapHorzPainter.drawText (tmpHorzRect, Qt::AlignCenter, colLabel);

   // *****************************************
   // ***  (2) Create Vertical Text Pixmap  ***
   // *****************************************

   const QSize tmpVertSize (colLabelHeight, colLabelWidth);       // swapped
   const QRect tmpVertRect (0, 0, colLabelHeight, colLabelWidth); // swapped
   const double tmpVertCenterX (colLabelHeight * 0.5);
   const double tmpVertCenterY (colLabelWidth  * 0.5);
   QPixmap tmpVertPmap (tmpVertSize);
   QPainter pmapVertPainter (&tmpVertPmap);

   pmapVertPainter.fillRect (tmpVertRect, Qt::blue);
   pmapVertPainter.setPen (fgColor);

   std::cout << mname << " [" << logicalIndex << "]: "
             << "'" << qPrintable (colLabel) << "'"
             << " ["  << rectLft << " --> " << rectRgt
             << ";  " << rectTop << " --> " << rectBot << "]"
             << " Cen: (" << tmpHorzCenterX << "," << tmpHorzCenterY << ")"
             << std::endl;

   QMatrix xform1;  xform1.translate (-tmpHorzCenterX, -tmpHorzCenterY);
   QMatrix xform2;  xform2.rotate (90);
   QMatrix xform3;  xform3.translate (tmpVertCenterX, tmpVertCenterY);
   QMatrix xformAll;

   const QPoint origTopLft (0, 0);
   const QPoint origBotRgt (colLabelWidth, colLabelHeight);

   // Transform Step 1 of 3
   xformAll = xform1;
   const QPoint mapped1TopLft (xformAll.map (origTopLft));
   const QPoint mapped1BotRgt (xformAll.map (origBotRgt));

   // Transform Step 2 of 3
   xformAll = xform1 * xform2;
   const QPoint mapped2TopLft (xformAll.map (origTopLft));
   const QPoint mapped2BotRgt (xformAll.map (origBotRgt));

   // Transform Step 3 of 3
   xformAll = xform1 * xform2 * xform3;
   const QPoint mapped3TopLft (xformAll.map (origTopLft));
   const QPoint mapped3BotRgt (xformAll.map (origBotRgt));

   std::cout << " Top: " << origTopLft.y()
             << " --> "  << mapped1TopLft.y()
             << " --> "  << mapped2TopLft.y()
             << " --> "  << mapped3TopLft.y() << std::endl;

   std::cout << " Lft: " << origTopLft.x()
             << " --> "  << mapped1TopLft.x()
             << " --> "  << mapped2TopLft.x()
             << " --> "  << mapped3TopLft.x() << std::endl;

   std::cout << " Bot: " << origBotRgt.y()
             << " --> "  << mapped1BotRgt.y()
             << " --> "  << mapped2BotRgt.y()
             << " --> "  << mapped3BotRgt.y() << std::endl;

   std::cout << " Rgt: " << origBotRgt.x()
             << " --> "  << mapped1BotRgt.x()
             << " --> "  << mapped2BotRgt.x()
             << " --> "  << mapped3BotRgt.x() << std::endl;

   pmapVertPainter.setMatrix (xformAll);
   pmapVertPainter.drawPixmap (0, 0, tmpHorzPmap);

   // *********************************************************
   // ***  (3) Paint Vertical Text Pixmap into QHeaderView  ***
   // *********************************************************
   painter->fillRect (rect, bgColor);
   painter->drawPixmap (rect, tmpVertPmap);


   // // call base class method
   // QHeaderView::paintSection (painter, rect, logicalIndex);

//--- (end) ---