Qt4 development of the Run Analysis Dialog grid table SEE: http://cadswes2.colorado.edu/~philw/2008/RotatedTableHeaders/ Phil Weinstein -- 9-18-2008 Implementation of RwColumnHeaderWidget Features: (1) Selection Events (for full table-column selection) (2) Selection Ornamentation: Background Colors (3) Selection Ornamentation: Beveled Section Borders Columns with one or more selected cells show a "depressed" appearance. Columns with ALL cells selected also show a darker background color. Symbolic Colors Available for Background and Bevels: QPalette::Light Lighter than Button color. QPalette::Midlight Between Button and Light. QPalette::Button The general button background color. QPalette::Mid Between Button and Dark. QPalette::Dark Darker than Button. QPalette::Shadow A very dark color. (default: Qt::black). Symbolic Colors Used: Text Color: QPalette::ButtonText Un-selected Background: QPalette::Button All-Cols Selected Background: Average of QPalette::Button and QPalette::Mid Light Bevel Color: QPalette::Light Dark Bevel Color: QPalette::Mid -------------------------------- QtUtils/RwColumnHeaderWidget.cpp QtUtils/RwColumnHeaderWidget.hpp -------------------------------- Added RwColumnHeaderWidget methods: bool columnFullySelected (int col) const; bool columnPartiallySelected (int col) const; void applyCurrentFormat(); void applyFormat_Plain(); void applyFormat_RotatedDown(); void applyFormat_RotatedUp(); ---------------------------------- QtRun/QtRunAnalysisDlg.cpp QtRun/QtRunAnalysisDlg.hpp QtRun/RunAnalGridQTableWidget.cpp -- NEW QtRun/RunAnalGridQTableWidget.hpp -- NEW QtRun/Make.package QtRun/QtRun.pro QtRun/QtRun.vcproj QtRun/QtRunGenerated.pro QtRun/QtRunGenerated.vcproj ---------------------------------- Checking in QtRun/RunAnalGridQTableWidget, scaffolding for development of QtUtils/RwColumnHeaderWidget for pure Qt4 implementation of the Run Analysis Grid table. Ultimately, for that application, this "TableWidget" class will need to be replaced by a "TableView" (itemless) class. SEE: http://cadswes2.colorado.edu/~philw/2008/RotatedTableHeaders/ -------------------------- Make.package QtUtils.pro QtUtils.vcproj QtUtilsGenerated.pro QtUtilsGenerated.vcproj -------------------------- Add QtUtils/RwColumnHeaderWidget (a QObject) to the Solaris and Windows builds. ---