RiverWare 5.1: Plot Dialog Plot Page Selection Panel
Phil Weinstein -- 11-13-2008 -- Hit Refresh

Review by David, 11-12-2008 / Phil's Responses.

1 Save As does not immediately add the plot to the List. You have to close/reopen the list or click the icon to refresh
  • I didn't implement the relevant callback from the cwOutputDeviceMgr (OUTPUTDEVICEMGR_DEVICE_ADDED). I should. The mechanism to rebuild the list without wiping out the current selection is already implemented.
  • Completed 11-13-2008
2 Clicking a new plot page resizes the dialog back to default. Why?
  • The dialog resizes only if one of the dimensions (dialog box width or height) needs to grow (that's explicitly coded). Unfortunately, Qt gives us only a single "adjustSize()" method. We will have to reimplement that independently for both dimensions. Part of the difficulty is that the default implementations for "sizeHint()" for complicated widgets (e.g. TreeViews) aren't written to return the ideal full, minimum size of the widget.
  • We're deciding not to address this now.
3 "Show Plot Page Selection List" should also be in a menu, probably the Window menu or maybe the File Menu.
  • I can add that. Under the Window menu would be the right place ... there are already a lot of toggles there for that sort of thing.
  • By the way, I did put the new Toolbar Buttons in a new, fourth Toolbar, and that toolbar is independently showable with a toggle in the Window menu. (This is consistent with the controls for the other three Toolbars). The visibility of those toolbars is saved with user-account-based persistence (QSettings).
  • Completed 11-13-2008
4 "Open" menu just takes you to the list. Users who are used to the menu doing something will be confused. Is there anything we can do about that?
  • That operation does at least give "focus" to that list. Also, of course, it shows the list panel if it hadn't been shown before -- in that case, it's pretty obvious. But otherwise ...
  • Using a timer, we could "flash" the panel's background color.
  • We could also consider removing the "File >> Open..." operation altogether -- though I don't think we should do that.
  • We're deciding not to address this now.
5 Right clicking on the white space at the end of the list sometimes takes you to the first plot. E.g.: Plot slot, bring up list, right click on white space, then left click anywhere else. The first plot is shown.
  • Yes. The problem is that there is always a "current item" in a TreeView (listview thing). If a current item is not set, many TreeView widget methods (e.g. receiving focus) sets the first item as "current". This was quite the hassle in what was implemented so far.
  • I was trying to avoid doing this, but I think we'll really have to add a "dummy" listview item to be the "current" item when the Plot Dialog isn't showing a saved Plot Page.
    • The item's text could be something like "[unsaved plot]".
    • That item would be disable as soon as the user explicitly clicks on some other actual Plot Page item.
    • There are some circumstances where that item would not need to be shown, e.g. bringing up a Plot Page from the Output Manager.
  • Completed 11-13-2008
6 [In discussion] ... David requested that the column header be shown on the Plot Page list specifically to allow the user to reverse the order of the list.
  • This involves updating the enabledness of the Plot Dialog Toolbar Buttons. That is, the "Load Previous Plot Page" icon is disabled if the first item is already current, etc.
  • Completed 11-13-2008
