RiverWare 5.1: RiverWare Link to External RPL Documentation
Current support for "DOCX" document -- 12-5-2008 -- [other project reference].

Support for Word 2007 ".docx" documents currently relies on overriding the default settings in the RPL Set's (or subordinate RPL Object's) External Document Reference configuration. The default "Auto" setting in the File Format combo box currently recognizes only files with the extension of ".doc" as Word documents -- not files with the extension of ".docx". For those files, the File Format combo box needs to be changed to "Word".

Step 1: Show the RPL Set's (or other RPL Object's) Configure External Document Reference dialog.
Step 2: Select the File / Custom radio box, and modify the Custom file name, with the ".docx" extension.
Step 3: On the right side of the File / Custom entry, change "Auto" to "Word". Apply the changes.

Step 1