- Clicking on the "pencil" icon opens up a file chooser (see below).
Two file filters ("Files of type:") are implemented -- but only
on Windows.
- Executable file paths can be edited directly by double clicking on the
- The PDF View item is non-editable because the ACROREAD_PATH environment
variable is defined. If the user didn't have that environment variable defined,
then the PDF View item would be editable, like all the other items.
- Persistence for these eight executable file paths, using Qt QSettings,
has been completed.
- The Apply and Restore buttons become inactive if there are no pending
(un-applied) changes.
- Not shown: an optional "Program" column, showable with a check
box in the "Settings" menu. That column is not yet used, but on
Windows, we may be able to show the name of the program (computed from the
executable file).
- A context menu is not implemented, except for the inline editor
context menu available during an inline edit operation on an editable file