Released March 20, 2023
New Web Service DMI Dataset Connection to Reclamation Hydromet
In the Web Service DMI Dataset, a new Reclamation Hydromet plugin was added.  This allows connections to Reclamation's Hydromet web service supported by the Missouri Basin and Arkansas-Rio Grande-Texas Gulf Region.
RiverWare Issues
The following issues were addressed in RiverWare:
6650: Adjustment of the accounting period was inconsistent when changing the Run Range with the Accounting Configuration dialog open.
6792: An Excel output DMI gave a misleading message when the Excel file was already open.
6815: No error was posted when distributed MRM could not create the temporary working folder.
6821: An unnecessary exception was reported to the Windows Event Log. A more targeted fix has been implemented than in RiverWare 9.0.1 and backed out in 9.0.3.
6828: An unloaded RPL set that was saved with the model incorrectly tried to load. Now, when a ruleset or goalset is saved with the model, its loaded state is restored when the model is reopened.
6833: SCT font configurations and resulting widget sizes were not maintained properly.
6836: With larger application fonts, buttons on the Object Account Summary were truncated.
6842: The tooltip on optimization variables reported the incorrect satisfaction percentage.
6844: In the Synchronize Slots script action, an error message did not provide the slot name.
6845: An SCT reference to a slot was lost when a script or other operation deleted and then recreated the object and slot. This affected scripts that generated snapshot objects.
6847: A crash could occur when running optimization with a pumped storage reservoir object with incomplete method selections.
6849: Unit Scheme Manager alternating row colors were incorrect for the non-active schemes.
6850: Selecting certain plots in some models produced an unnecessary beep.
6851: In a script, a warning about a deleted Slot Set did not provide the script or action name.