Can more than one "cell" within a QTreeView contain a QWidget at any one time?

The "pencils" and "ellipsis buttons" in this QTreeView are actually just QIcons (from QPixmaps). They are implemented as images provided by the QAbstractItemModel's "data()" method, returned for the Qt::DecorationRole data role. Clicking on them performs a function through the use of the "clicked" signal from the QTreeView. It would be better for these cells to have actual QPushButtons so that they actually "press in" when clicked. (And we have other more important requirements for QWidgets in cells, in general).

Can more than one "cell" within a QTreeView contain a QWidget at any one time? -- e.g. in the columns showing icons in the image above. As far as I can tell, the ability to display a QWidget (via the QTreeView's "delegate") is limited to the single cell currently being edited.

See also abstracted Qt 4.6.3 code samples:

Phil Weinstein
University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
January 15, 2011