RiverWare Qt4 Port Completion >>
RiverWare / Qt3 Compatibility Widget Porting Guide
RiverWare / Porting Q3ListView to Qt4 QTreeWidget
January 20, 2010 -- Phil
This general class provides fairly comprehensive support for porting "flat" Q3ListViews. Additional capabilities to support multiple-level tree views can be added, when we port other those, e.g. the Open Object Dialog's multiple-level slot list. This section describes the changes needed to port Q3ListViews in RiverWare (both direct instances and subclasses) to RwQListView.
OLD: #include <Q3ListView> NEW: #include <QTreeWidgetItem> class RwQListView;
OLD: Q3ListViewItem* NEW: QTreeWidgetItem*
OLD: class MyListViewItem : public Q3ListViewItem // virtual from Q3ListViewItem int compare (Q3ListViewItem*, int col, bool ascending) const; New: class MyListViewItem : public QTreeWidgetItem // virtual from QTreeWidgetItem virtual bool operator< (const QTreeWidgetItem&) const; // NOTICE that the parameter is a reference rather than a pointer.
OLD: void myListView_selChanged(); NEW: void myListView_selChanged();
OLD: void myListView_doubleClicked (Q3ListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int); NEW: void myListView_doubleClicked (QTreeWidgetItem*, int);
OLD: void myListView_contextMenuRequested (Q3ListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int col); // for signal generated from RwQListView void myListView_contextMenuRequested (QTreeWidgetItem*, int col, const QPoint&);
OLD: #ifndef RwQt3UtilsINCLUDED #include "RwQt3Utils.hpp" #endif #include <Q3ListView> #include <Q3Header> NEW: #ifndef RwQListViewINCLUDED #include "RwQListView.hpp" #endif #ifndef RwQt4UtilsINCLUDED #include "RwQt4Utils.hpp" #endif #include <QHeaderView>
OLD: _myListView = new Q3ListView (_myPanel, "_myListView"); _myListView->setShowSortIndicator (TRUE); _myListView->setSelectionMode (Q3ListView::Extended); _myListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus (true); _myListView->addColumn (tr ("Col0")); _myListView->addColumn (tr ("Col1")); _myListView->addColumn (tr ("Col2")); ... _myListView->header()->setLabel (0, tr ("Group ")); _myListView->header()->setLabel (1, tr ("TimeStep ")); _myListView->header()->setLabel (2, tr ("Annotation Text ")); NEW: _myListView = new RwQListView (this, _myPanel, "_myListView"); _myListView->setSelectionMode (QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); _myListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus (true); _myListView->setColumnCount (3); ... _myListView->headerItem()->setText (0, tr ("Group ")); _myListView->headerItem()->setText (1, tr ("TimeStep ")); _myListView->headerItem()->setText (2, tr ("Annotation Text ")); QHeaderView* hdr = _myListView->header(); hdr->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); hdr->setResizeMode (1, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); hdr->setResizeMode (2, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
OLD: connect (_myListView, SIGNAL (selectionChanged()), this, SLOT (myListView_selChanged())); connect (_myListView, SIGNAL (doubleClicked (Q3ListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int)), this, SLOT (myListView_doubleClicked (Q3ListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int))); connect (_myListView, SIGNAL (contextMenuRequested (Q3ListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int)), SLOT (myListView_contextMenuRequested (Q3ListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int))); NEW: connect (_myListView, SIGNAL (itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT (myListView_selChanged())); connect (_myListView, SIGNAL (itemDoubleClicked (QTreeWidgetItem*, int)), this, SLOT (myListView_doubleClicked (QTreeWidgetItem*, int))); connect (_myListView, SIGNAL (itemContextMenuRequested (QTreeWidgetItem*, int, const QPoint&)), SLOT (myListView_contextMenuRequested (QTreeWidgetItem*, int, const QPoint&)));
OLD: setPixmap (0, myQPixmap); NEW: setIcon (0, myQPixmap);
OLD: int MyModule::MyListViewItem::compare ( Q3ListViewItem* lvItem, int col, bool ascending) const { // Note: ignore the 'ascending' parameter. The QListView does the // sort order reversal itself. ... // default comparison from base class return (Q3ListViewItem::compare (lvItem, col, ascending)); } NEW: bool MyModule::MyListViewItem::operator< ( const QTreeWidgetItem& lvItem) const { const int col = (treeWidget() ? treeWidget()->sortColumn() : 0); ... // Note-1: For the custom comparison cases, make sure to return the // "less than" function value (boolean) rather than a (-1,0,1) // comparison int. // Note-2: Since the column index is no longer a parameter index, // in order to defer to a different column (in the case of equality // of the two items within the current sort column), the comparison // result using the deferred column has to be directly computed // within this implementation rather than deferred to another // invokation of this operator method. ... // default comparison from base class return (QTreeWidgetItem::operator< (lvItem)); }
OLD: // column 1: Slot Type Icon RwQt3Utils::setQListViewItemIconForSlot (this, 1, slot); NEW: // column 1: Slot Type Icon RwQt4Utils::setItemIconForSlot (this, 1, slot);
OLD: if (doDelete) { deleteSlotCallback(); Q3ListView* lview = listView(); if (lview) { lview->takeItem (this); } // SELF DELETION! delete this; } NEW: if (doDelete) { deleteSlotCallback(); QTreeWidget* tw = treeWidget(); if (tw) { const int inx = tw->indexOfTopLevelItem (this); if (inx >= 0) tw->takeTopLevelItem (inx); } // SELF DELETION! delete this; }
OLD: // Insure that the selected item is visible (if any). RwQt3Utils::ensureFirstSelectedItemInVisibleArea (_myListView); NEW: // Insure that the selected item is visible (if any). RwQt4Utils::ensureFirstSelectedItemIsVisible (_myListView);
OLD: Q3ListViewItem* oneSelItem = RwQt3Utils::singleSelectedItem (_myListView); NEW: QTreeWidgetItem* oneSelItem = RwQt4Utils::singleSelectedItem (_myListView);
OLD: int numSelItems (RwQt3Utils::selectedItemCount (_myListView)); NEW: int numSelItems (RwQt4Utils::selectedItemCount (_myListView));
There is no longer a need to fit contents, but one can. However, to allow icons to be shown in their natural size (and not be made smaller), a call to RwQListView::updateIconSize() is needed. OLD: // Grow column to at least fit Column headers RwQt3Utils::fitQListViewColsToHeaders (_myListView, true); // growOnly NEW: // Set the RwQListView's QTreeWidget icon size to that of the largest icon _myListView->updateIconSize();
OLD: Q3ListViewItemIterator iter (_myListView, Q3ListViewItemIterator::Selected); for (; iter.current(); ++iter) { Q3ListViewItem* lvItem = iter.current(); ... } NEW: QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter (_myListView, QTreeWidgetItemIterator::Selected); for (; *iter; ++iter) { QTreeWidgetItem* lvItem (*iter); ... }
OLD: Q3ListViewItemIterator iter (_myListView); for (; iter.current(); ++iter) { Q3ListViewItem* lvItem = iter.current(); ... } NEW: QTreeWidgetItemIterator iter (_myListView); for (; *iter; ++iter) { QTreeWidgetItem* lvItem (*iter); ... }
OLD: _myListView->setSelected (lvItem, true); RwQt3Utils::ensureItemInVisibleArea (_myListView, lvItem); NEW: lvItem->setSelected (true); RwQt4Utils::ensureItemIsVisible (_myListView, lvItem);
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