___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.9.1 ----------------------------- Bug Fixes ----------------------------- * 6337 - Entering text in the workspace doesn't work. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.9 ----------------------------- Enhancements ----------------------------- * Users now have the ability to select which simulation output (RDF, CSV and NetCDF) files are post-processed. The post-processing dialog contains a tree view of the output files (organized by type) with check boxes; only those files which are checked are post-processed. The selection is saved in the study file. * Users can now insert RCL commands in the RCL script which is used to initialize a model file for a particular scenario. The RiverWare plugin configuration dialog now has controls which enable users to specify: - Whether commands should be inserted. - Where commands should be inserted (after model load or after pre-run DMIs have been invoked). - The commands. * Scenarios can now be archived as ZIP files after they've been successfully simulated or or post-processed. A new options dialog has controls which enable users to specify: - Whether scenarios should be archived. - When scenarios should be archived (after simulation or after post-processing). - The archive directory. - Whether to remove scenario folders after the scenarios are archived. - Whether to remove archive files if a subsequent simulation or post-processing fails. * The delete key now deletes the selected workspace entities. The enhancement is actually the addition of a generic key handling mechanism, of which the delete key is the first implemented. This approach will make it easier to add other keys in the future. ----------------------------- Bug Fixes ----------------------------- * Unfiled - RiverSMART has logic which attempts to save and restore the workspace view (the visible rectangle, zoom level, etc.) The logic had a distinct "drift" to the left and up which limited the feature's utility. The drift has been largely eliminated. (There's still a small amount, perhaps a pixel, but not enough to make the feature useless.) ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.8 ----------------------------- Enhancements ----------------------------- * The DMI Sequence event has been added. It's used when a study has sets of initial conditions for simulating scenarios which are named sequentially. (For example, Excel workbooks sheets or file system folders named "Set1", "Set2", etc.) A single DMI Sequence event is the functinal equivalent of a DMI event for each set of initial conditions. The DMI Sequence event supports Excel and control file / executable DMIs. * Each RiverSMART release requires the RiverWare version used in a study to be a certain version (or later). For example, RiverSMART 1.8 requires RiverWare 7.2.2 (or later). Previously, if RiverWare wasn't a compatible version simulations would fail with no indication of why they failed. RiverSMART now adds the RequireVersion batch mode command to batch script it creates to execute RiverWare so if there is a version mismatch users will be presented with a meaningful error message. ----------------------------- Bug Fixes ----------------------------- * 6081 - RiverSMART didn't create scnario folders if the RiverWare event didn't have any linked RDF, CSV or NetCDF output files. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.7.2 ----------------------------- Enhancements ----------------------------- * The RiverWare event configuration dialog now has a "Show Simulation Status" checkbox. If checked (the default), RiverSMART will display the simulation status dialog (as it has in the past). If unchecked RiverSMART won't display the dialog. This can be useful for scenarios which simulate quickly, where the constant opening and closing of the dialog would be a distraction. * Improved confirmation dialog for re-simulating scenarios. Long scenario lists no longer cause dialog to expand so buttons are off screen. * Added the ability to simulate scenarios without displaying the distributed MRM controller user interface. * Modified the About dialog to include the build date and time. ----------------------------- Performance ----------------------------- * Improved the scenarios lists for efficiency. ----------------------------- Bug Fixes ----------------------------- * Fixed a bug with the Run Range event when generating scenarios where environment variables weren't properly substituted in the R script path. * Fixed a bug which caused the validation to report false negatives when RiverWare was installed as an administrator. * Fixed a bug with inactive and hidden scenarios. They weren't removed from their respective lists when scenarios were regenerated. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.7.1 - 9/29/2017 ----------------------------- Bug Fixes ----------------------------- Unfiled: Validation errors when generating, simulating or post-processing scenarios weren't correctly displayed. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.7 - 09/26/2017 ----------------------------- New Features ----------------------------- For cloud computing, the save simulation study files dialog now presents users with a choice - distribute scenarios using scenario sets (existing behavior) or have RiverSMART distribute traces by balancing traces (new behavior). The scenario set manager dialog and the scenario set editor dialog have been replaced by the new scenario set manager dialog, whose primary improvement is incorporating the scenario panel, enabling users to reorder scenarios as they can when generating, simulating and post-processing scenarios. Validation has been greatly improved. Now validation identifies all configuration errors and presents them in a non-modal dialog with save to file and copy to clipboard capabilities. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.6.0 - 07/21/2017 ----------------------------- New Features ----------------------------- RiverSMART now contains a utility known as "Distributed Simulation Packages" that allows subsets of scenarios from a single study to be simulated on multiple computers or virtual machines in a cloud computing environment to increase parallelization and reduce overall study time. ----------------------------- Development Environment ----------------------------- RiverSMART has been ported to Qt 5.5.1. RiverSMART has been ported to Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.5.3. - 12/16/2016 ----------------------------- New Features ----------------------------- The Run Range Event configuration now contains a "Label" field which, if not blank, is prepended to the run range's name. If a study contains Run Range Events whose dates overlap, the label can be used to distinguish the events. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.5.2 - 11/16/2016 ----------------------------- Bug Fixes ----------------------------- The following issues were fixed: * The Run Range Event now configures the RiverWare model file with the correct run start and end dates. * The Run Range Event now accepts environment variables in the R script file path. * The Run Range Event now displays the correct number of timesteps in the preview dialog. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.5.1 - 10/19/2016 ----------------------------- New RiverWare Run Range Event ----------------------------- A new RiverWare Run Range Event was added. The RiverWare Run Range Event provides a mechanism to configure a study in which scenarios have different run ranges (e.g., different start or end dates). The utility allows you to increment the run range by a number of timesteps. In addition, you can further adjust the run ranges by calling an R script which allows you to make policy decisions on the run range. A convenient preview dialog shows the resulting run ranges to be used for the scenarios. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.4 ----------------------------- RiverSMART now accesses names from RiverWare: ----------------------------- NOTE: This change requires RiverWare 7.0. Until that is released, the following change won't make a difference, but won't have an adverse effect. There is a tight connection between studies and RiverWare model files. Study event and file configurations contain the names of entities in the model file, including: * Dataset names and, for Excel datasets, their workbook and sheet. * DMI names and: -- For direct connect DMIs, their Excel datasets. -- For control file / executable DMIs, their executable. -- For trace directory DMIs, their top-level directory and control file. * MRM configuration names; their descriptors (keyword / value pairs); and their RDF, NetCDF and CSV output files. Previously users had to know the names of the entities and enter them in the event and file configuration dialogs. Now, RiverSMART can look into the RiverWare model file to get the names of the entities. For example, the DMI event configuration dialog has a combobox where users can select a DMI in the model file, rather than a text field where users would enter a DMI name. ----------------------------- Status Bar ----------------------------- A new Status Bar was added to the RiverSMART workspace. This contains: 1. The study status (blue background), for example "Executing event RiverWare". 2. The event status (green background), for example "Simulating scenario dry,demand2,IG". 3. The event progress bar. 4. The diagnostic window button. ----------------------------- Non Distributed Runs: ----------------------------- Originally RiverSMART required distributed multiple runs; it now supports non-distributed multiple runs. Note, a non-distributed multiple run in the model file is made into a distributed multiple run using the default number of cores for the computer. ----------------------------- Bug Fixes: ----------------------------- The following issues were fixed: * A lag could occur when RiverSMART was run over a remote desktop. * The diagnostics window was always on top of the workspace and had to be moved aside to prevent it from obscuring the workspace. The diagnostics window can now be below the workspace. * Loading a study which uses a missing plugin crashed. * Reordering columns in the scenario dialogs sometimes caused the folder buttons (to launch Windows Explorer in the scenario's directory) to be displayed in strange locations (for example, in the middle of other columns). * Closing the file configuration dialog by clicking the "X" didn't accept the changes. * Marking a scenario as (not) post-processed crashed. * Setting and saving of placeholder events caused a crash. * "Escaping" from an event configuration dialog sometimes left the event in an inconsistent state. Escape now cancels changes. Clicking the "X" accepts the changes. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.3 - 7/21/2015 ----------------------------- CSV and netCDF ----------------------------- New File types were added to RiverSMART for netCDF and CSV to represent these files that can be output from RiverWare. A new plugin, CSV Combiner, was added to combine CSV files from separate scenarios into a single CSV file representing a scenario set ----------------------------- MRM Keyword/Value Descriptors ----------------------------- An interface was added to the RiverWare MRM Plugin to support adding keyword/value descriptors. These plus descriptors that are automatically generated to characterize a scenario and its inputs are written to the MRM configuration in RiverWare when a scenario is simulated. In RiverWare, MRM descriptors can optionally be written to output CSV and netCDF files. ----------------------------- Study Validation ----------------------------- A "Validate Study" menu item was added to the "Workspace" menu. This menu action checks if the study name and study folder have been specified, then gets a list of all the events and files on the workspace and calls the validation methods of each. Any validation errors encountered are reported to the user in a message box. If no errors are found, the message reports that validation was successful. ----------------------------- Diagnostics ----------------------------- Diagnostics were made more uniform so that all configuration and execution errors issue correct messages. All plugins now issue start and end execution information messages allowing execution to be tracked within the diagnostic window. In addition, the spatial disagg and temporal disagg plugins now issue start and end messages for each trace or flow file name processed. ----------------------------- Activities ----------------------------- RiverSMART now has event activity reporting, meaning that when a plugin executes, it can return information on one or more activities it performs. The reporting can include a log file. Within the Simulate Scenarios and Post-Process Scenarios dialogs, activities are now shown as sub items in the tree view. Highlighting an activity shows summary information about the activity state at the bottom with a link to a log file if one is available. ----------------------------- Navigation ----------------------------- The Simulate Scenarios and Post-Process Scenarios dialogs now have buttons at the end of Scenario lines that will open a Windows Explorer dialog to the directory that contains the scenario's output. ----------------------------- Scenario Set Indications ----------------------------- If a post-processing event on the workspace is processing input by scenario set, an SS symbol now appears in the upper left corner of the event icon. The SS symbol is also included in dialogs where scenario sets are configured and used. ----------------------------- Modal Dialog Changes ----------------------------- Event configuration dialogs are no longer modal, meaning that other dialogs are now accessible when an event configuration dialog is open. Because this could lead to conflicts between configuring and processing, the following interaction between dialogs was maintained. The Simulate Scenarios and Post Process Scenarios are mutually exclusive from the event configuration dialogs. That is, the user cannot simulate or post process scenarios while the event configuration dialogs are open. Dialogs to view files used in event configurations are also no longer modal. This allows, for example, an R file to be opened and information copied from there into an R Plugin configuration dialog. ----------------------------- Scenario Naming when Regenerating ----------------------------- When regenerating the scenarios, the order of the pieces (i.e. the dimensions) in scenario names is now maintained as previously defined. ___________________________________________________________ SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN RIVERSMART 1.2 - 7/3/2014 ----------------------------- Configuration Change Tracking ----------------------------- The input events to RiverWare now track configuration changes, and the title text for the event will turn red if its configuration has been changed. These events include RiverWare Model, RiverWare DMI, RiverWare Policy and RiverWare MRM. The scenarios that the change in configuration will affect are also shown in red in the Simulate Scenarios and Post-Process Scenarios dialogs. These changes give a visual cue as to what is out of date when input configuration changes are made. When scenarios that are out of date are regenerated, the red highlighting is removed. The user may make changes external to RiverSMART that can make input events out of date, such as changing data files are imported via a RiverWare DMI event. The user can manually indicate this for an event by going to the Edit menu in its configuration dialog and selecting Externally Modified. This causes the same out of date highlighting as a change in configuration does as described above. ----------------------------- Placeholder Events ----------------------------- The input events to RiverWare also have an option in the Edit menu of the configuration dialog to indicate the event is a placeholder. This means that "None" will be used as an alternative for that type of event when generating scenarios. For example, in the case of DMI events with a Category of Demand, a placeholder event would mean that the demands present in the model would be used and no demand data would be imported for scenarios generated with this placeholder. Indicating an event is a placeholder will disable widgets in the configuration dialog that are not needed (generally all but the name field and, for DMI events, the Category field). ----------------------------- Scenario Regeneration ----------------------------- When scenarios are regenerated, a confirmation dialog now will appear indicating which scenarios will be added, deleted, unaffected, or become out of date. The user can then proceed with the regeneration or not. Before, regenerating scenarios removed the state information for the simulation and post-processing of all scenarios; now this is preserved for scenarios that are unaffected by the regeneration. ----------------------------- Process Threads ----------------------------- The processing of the hydrology plugins and the post-processing of scenarios have been moved into separate threads within the software, meaning that the user interface will no longer become inactive during this processing. Particularly for the hydrology plugins, the user interface could become locked for long periods while processing was completed. ----------------------------- R Plugin ----------------------------- An R Plugin event was added to RiverSMART that can be executed as a post-processing event in a study. In its configuration dialog, the user specifies a function within an R script file and specifies the arguments to be passed to the function. This allows the user to accomplish post-processing of data from the study with functions they have written in R. See the help file for the R Plugin for detailed information on this new functionality.